Posted on Oct 20, 2016
Donald Trump Will 'Totally' Accept Election Results 'if I Win'
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
I wouldn't question the results either if Donald wins. The simple truth is that to win he must not only receive more votes than Hillary, but receive that amount plus enough to overcome the thousands of fraudulent votes she will be receiving, a true Herculean task.

HIDDEN CAMERA: NYC Democratic Election Commissioner “I Think There Is A lot of Voter Fraud” |...
In a video released by Project Veritas, James O’Keefe exposes what everyone except the Democrats have known to be true; there is a lot of voter fraud.
SSG Michael Hartsfield
Hey CPT Jack Durish. Do you hear that? That's the sound of the dead horse you continue to beat. This guy has been roundly debunked and discredited but, hey, if you need to continue to use this guy to quantify this played out position, feel free.
How did we come to this? We have gone from a country that led by example what Democracy is all about to a country full of hypocrites that makes Democracy a punchline by our enemies. So disappointing.
SSG Michael Hartsfield
MAJ James Woods if you would, read what I posted to ENS (Join to see) question
MAJ James Woods
SSG Michael Hartsfield - I disagree with your "this is what we wanted" comment since neither you nor I can speak for the masses. I know I didn't want this, my wife didn't want this, my closest friends and family didn't want this; the multiple generations of veterans in my family are embarrassed by this behavior. So your assertion that "we or the GOP wanted this" as a solution to the two party, corrupt, lobbyist controlled government is a fair opinion. I counter it with I believe the people wanted a "Bernie Sanders-anti-establishment type" candidate where the overbearing, loud mouth smaller voices amplified by political party controlled media mislead us to believe Trump was the anti-establishment answer.
SSG Michael Hartsfield
MAJ James Woods I calls 'em as I sees 'em. While I admit it is my opinion, the rise of the Tea Party, the almost zealous search for that perfect candidate as once Tea Party darlings become the new establishment drones, and the vitriol that is still evident in our politics because of it kinda quantifies my opinion
MAJ James Woods
TSgt Frank Shirley - And all the free advertisement networks gave him. Genius and manipulative at the same time. Tea Party taken over by radicals and led to a very obstructive Congress for the last 6 years.
The democrats are going to commit voter fraud. It's going to take quite the exercise in mental gymnastics to deny that they're not up to some shady stuff. Look at the recent Project Veritas videos, you have Hillary campaign staff admitting to organizing violence and planning to register illegals. Hell, they even say that ethics don't matter in this election.
SFC Jeff Duncan
Yep we see the push for mail in ballots by the Dems and look what happened in Wisconsin after the election they finds boxes and boxes of mailed in ballots that had mysteriously been misplaced and just by chance most of the ballots found were Republican ballots.
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