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Responses: 13
CPO Leading Chief Petty Officer (Lcpo)
CPT The answer to your question "What is wrong with people?" is simple they have lost their humanity.

We live in a 24/7 instant everything, violence saturated, narcissistic centralistic environment. Children are taught from birth they are a special flower and no one is allowed to say different. They are taught that they are the center of the world and everything must revolve around them. Take in point an RP post that asked why High Ranking people have their own parking spaces. It is an entitlement driven society. They only care about what will make them feel good, or can help themselves in some way.

"They, the intellects who seek escape from moral values, they are the damned on this earth, theirs is the guilt beyond forgiveness"
Ayn Rand
SSG Drew Cook
SSG Drew Cook
8 y
Doubtful you'll win anyone over quoting Ayn Rand.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
8 y
SSG Drew Cook - He won me over. It's a very apt quote, absolutely pertinent, regardless of the source.
SSG Drew Cook
SSG Drew Cook
8 y
CPT Jack Durish - Morals are completely subjective.
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
8 y
Who are you kidding? I'd be thrilled if everyone read Ayn Rand, then we could have a solid discussion. "Atlas Shrugged" is a masterpiece.
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LTC Laborer
Well, I'd play with your analogy a bit but I wouldn't insult my pet by labeling her "cuckquean" or either of my children by labeling them "Trump". I admit up front I detest the cuckquean. I also don't have a lot of respect for Trump. However ... "It's the Supreme Court, Stupid!" ... I'll vote for Trump in November. I can't imagine a SCOTUS tilting way left which is where it will go if the cuckquean wins in November. I'll also add that I will NEVER vote or otherwise support any so-called conservative that abandons Trump and turns to the cuckquean. Ryan ... the Bush family ... that Mormon guy that ran the last time and lost ... I now have a litmus test for folks claiming to be conservative candidates. That they don't like Trump doesn't bother me. That they don't like him enough to support a Democrat, much less the cuckquean, at the expense of the Supreme Court does. A lot.
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Capt Michael Greene
Thanks to the GOP's numerous "investigations" and the fact that she was in public life all her adult life, HRC is the most completely vetted person on the planet. Everybody knows her. Foreign leaders know her. DJT, however, wishes to be unpredictable, and there are more damning revelations every day.

And no, they're not just words. He admitted to that shit, and there are plenty of witnesses coming out of the woodwork. The man could order coffee or nuke a city without caring a whit.
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