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Responses: 11
MCPO Roger Collins
Let's see, there were up to 21 women who were abused and assaulted by Bill Clinton and his behavior was accepted by the left and the media for the remainder of his presidential terms. Even subsequently flying to island in the Caribbean where young girls are prostitutes, with zero complaints from his enabler, Hillary. Today, he is considered the Patriarch of the Democrat party and held in high esteem. Trump has done far less and is vilified by more groups, including his own party to the degree, I personally believe it's the final assault of the establishment to remain relevant. Bet the general public knows what is said jokingly in the "locker room", but are too hypocritical to admit it.
SSG Michael Hartsfield
SSG Michael Hartsfield
8 y
So you are saying that because it's done in private that it's right? How would you react if you were still in the service and some of your "locker room talk" got back to a female subordinate, peer, or superior? Do you think "Oh sorry. My bad" is going to absolve you, especially since you are in a leadership position and the Sailors under you are going to follow your lead? This man has the potential to be in charge of all the US Armed Forces and everyone will be looking at him as the standard to follow and he appears to want to set our military back to the 1950s
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
3 mo
SSG Michael Hartsfield - I think that MCPO Roger Collins said what he meant very well and meant what he said. However, bless your heart, you may (and of course you will) twist his words to suit your purpose.
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MSgt Michael Bischoff
Edited 8 y ago
From what I'm reading in a lot of pro-Trump posts is, its OK to molest women or treat them as objects. A president was impeached for that (he did not get away with anything) so I guess if Trump is elected we can look forward to another impeachment.
Oh I get it you voting for Trump in hopes Pence will become president!!!
So much for the MORAL majority I keep hearing about. Do as I say not as I do, mantra!!
SSG Squad Leader
SSG (Join to see)
8 y
A President was impeached for lying about it to the American people. I'm in no way for either candidate but I do enjoy seeing the right facts put out there.
MSgt Tactical Air Control Party (TACP)
MSgt (Join to see)
8 y
He wasn't impeached for being a whore. He was impeached because he's a liar and lied under oath. What's funny is Bill didn't even want to fuck her!
MSgt Michael Bischoff
MSgt Michael Bischoff
8 y
MSgt (Join to see) - Trump been lying this whole election. Women like me!! Because I force them too!
Oh yeah I know what Clinton was impeached for "lying to a grand jury".
MSgt Tactical Air Control Party (TACP)
MSgt (Join to see)
8 y
Thing is I don't care what he does or says to people. Doesn't change the fact to me that he's a better leader than she'll ever be. She was quick turn her back on those women that Bill was screwing. Calling them whores and liars. She was turned her back on those in Benghazi. She hated gays until it wasn't cool to hate gays. She hated blacks until it wasn't cool to hate blacks. She was quick to throw Gen. Petraeus under the bus for his handling of classified material and all the while she was doing the same shit but worse. She hats corruption but the Clinton foundation is one the most corrupt. At least with trump he's honest more than others. You know excatly what your gonna get. Instead of some facade that she puts on just to get elected. I don't care for Trump all that much either but he's better than that piece of shit Hiliary.
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CPT Jack Durish
This is one reason why we have Hillary and Donald as our candidates, why we'll never have decent choices. What decent person would willingly throw their hat in the ring knowing full well that every morsel of dirt would be dredged from their past and, if none found, then invented? Not me.
SPC Kevin Ford
SPC Kevin Ford
8 y
If only we had other candidates running on the major tickets. Almost anybody else on either side and this would be a landslide.
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