Posted on Oct 5, 2016
U.S. Armed Forces - We Must Fight - President Reagan (HD) 2015
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 9
You mean the Reagan who, against the specific recommendation of his SECDEF and other cabinet members order the Marines into Beruit, just to get 241 of them killed by terrorists sponsored by Iran? And then after that, authorized selling tow missiles to Iran secretly in an attempt to get them to release hostages? And the one who diverted money from those sales to support the Contras, despite Congress passing a law making that illegal? And the Reagan, who shortly after leaving office, endorsed the Brady Law about gun control? And the Reagan who later endorsed in a letter to congress the assault weapons ban?
Yeah, we need a president like Reagan again. But he couldn't win a republican nomination for dog catcher in today's republican party. He'd be considered way to liberal for that.
Yeah, we need a president like Reagan again. But he couldn't win a republican nomination for dog catcher in today's republican party. He'd be considered way to liberal for that.
So are you advocating we put Soldiers back on the ground in Iraq and Afghanistan in large numbers again? Or Syria, Iran, Ukraine? This isn't the Cold War where Reagan is talking about our fight against the spread of Communism through conventional warfare. And President Obama proudly criticized the warmongers in Congress both Liberal and Conservatives; telling the American people to their faces that we will not recklessly send hundreds of thousands of troops back into harms way as long as other options exists like making other countries fight with their troops. We're still dealing with the repercussions of military decisions made under Reagan's watch (i.e. Taliban in Afghanistan).
Reagan was an idiot and a crook. He 'cut and ran' after the Beirut bombings that killed several hundred Marines. He committed treason by negotiating with an enemy power, Iran, before he became President, then violated the Law by continuing to sell weapons to them to finance an illegal war in Central America.
His de-regulation led to the Savings and Loan scandal. His fiscal policies caused huge budget deficits and contributed incredible amounts to the National Debt, caused wage stagnation and ultimately led to the crash in 2008(Not because of what he did, but because his successors continued his policies.)
Reagan was NOT a great president. He was a joke. A criminal joke. It will take us decades to undo the damage he, and his acolytes the Bushs, did to our economy, out international standing, and our society.
His de-regulation led to the Savings and Loan scandal. His fiscal policies caused huge budget deficits and contributed incredible amounts to the National Debt, caused wage stagnation and ultimately led to the crash in 2008(Not because of what he did, but because his successors continued his policies.)
Reagan was NOT a great president. He was a joke. A criminal joke. It will take us decades to undo the damage he, and his acolytes the Bushs, did to our economy, out international standing, and our society.
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