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Responses: 8
SSG Jacey R.
I have read a copy that wasn't as detailed as this one, and so I will read all of it aslo, but I think it has been well thought out, from what I read before. I agree with SSgt (Join to see) that the topic is getting old in way, due to that there are those of us who are either for it, against it, or does not necessarily have a concern either way. I don't see that changing anytime soon. In my own opinion, I am completely for the military allowing transgender people to serve openly. I don't agree with how the article uses the word "Accommodation", that makes it seem as special treatment. I can't speak for every transgender person, but I know for myself and others that I know, would not have wanted special treatment, just only to be treated the same as any other male of female, according to how they identify.
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CPT Pedro Meza
Different strokes for different folks, doesn't bother me a bit. As long as they do their work!.
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SSG Steven Mangus
There are certain professions that have other pressing obligations than accommodating the needs of a small percentage above all others. The military is just that and not a clearing house for those that have the potential of not being able to do 100% of their job 110% of the time. Now I know there are service members that can't do their job anymore however, statics have shown most of the limitation imposed on them have been a direct result of the job not joining with limitations to begin with....
SSG Steven Mangus
SSG Steven Mangus
8 y
Furthermore I don't have any issues with what people want to do with their lives and I don't judge based on outward appearances..I make a decision based on what the person is substantialy, I just don't feel people should impose their private issues on myself either directly or indirectly. Sure lawmakers do it all the time however, that is the nature of living here in the USA..
MSgt John McGowan
MSgt John McGowan
8 y
Sgt Gus Laskaris - I was a 1stSgt when I was in. I spend about 5% of my time with the ones squared away. The other 95 % I knew to where.
MSgt John McGowan
MSgt John McGowan
8 y
Sorry Brothers, but me I am just tilled the book is out the military is one big social trail bed. That not what we do. We fight wars and kill peole. Prime purpose.
SSG Steven Mangus
SSG Steven Mangus
8 y
The military is a vehicle for social change not an experiment to see what happens..we are not rats in a maze. We go, fight and win not cater to those who want to try on the uniform for a few minutes to see what "they" can get without really giving back..
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