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Responses: 3
Lt Col Jim Coe
I thought Americans were "ugly" tourists. I take it all back.
SSgt Mark Lines
SSgt Mark Lines
8 y
Lt Col Jim Coe You do not know how many times I have heard that from Thais. Living here in Thailand, we see many Chinese tourists. The sigh of relief I hear when my wife and I get out of the car and they see an American is almost comical.
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Candy Alkaabi
So any form of protest (even the funny kind) is not allowed. Check! Now where did I put my bucket of red paint.......:D
SSgt Mark Lines
SSgt Mark Lines
8 y
Candy Alkaabi Can you please educate me on how any of these behaviors are protests? They all show forms of disrespect to their host countries. I have seen Chinese tourists defecating on the "White Temple" in Chaing Rai, Thailand. That temple is one of the most holy sites for Thai Buddhists. I have also seen news reports on Thai TV of Chinese tourists using the canals in downtown Chaing Mai, Thailand as a bath tub. Those are only a couple of the many things I have seen and heard about.

If you are talking about the end of the video, those scenes all come from the "Cultural Revolution" that occurred in China from around 1966-1976. Those were not protests, but members of Chairman Mao's Red Guard protecting the "Revolution" from the "bourgeois elements" that wanted to restore capitalism.
Candy Alkaabi
Candy Alkaabi
8 y
SSgt Mark Lines - sorry I forgot the sarcasm tag........
SSgt Mark Lines
SSgt Mark Lines
8 y
Candy Alkaabi - No worries, I forgot to turn on my humor receptors. Sorry about that. I tend to get a little passionate some times.
Candy Alkaabi
Candy Alkaabi
8 y
SSgt Mark Lines - So do I, you can blame my daddy for the weird sense of humor....:D maybe he taught me a little too well?
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