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Responses: 6
MAJ James Woods
It won't be for this election but it will set the stage for argument over the next four years that the whole process is dishonest and the national debate should automatically have all recognized party candidates on the stage.
PFC Jim Wheeler
PFC Jim Wheeler
8 y
That's my hope. If he can just get on one of the debates this year, that would help immensely.

If not, building any awareness and hopefully crossing that 5% threshold in the election will help establish the Libertarian party.
Maj Rob Drury
Maj Rob Drury
8 y
That won't affect any significant change. If it sparked discussion of eliminating official recognition and balloting based on party, that would be a good thing; but that's not gonna happen.
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Capt Michael Greene
Name one foreign leader you admire.
OK, then name any foreign leader.

Sorry Gary. Stick to local governance.
Capt Michael Greene
Capt Michael Greene
8 y
PFC Jim Wheeler - DT is mentally unstable and dangerous. Johnson is no more ready to be president than you or me. HRC, flaws and all, is pretty much a regular politician. Not dangerous. This election season, that's the best we can get.
Maj Rob Drury
Maj Rob Drury
8 y
Capt Michael Greene - Hillary's not dangerous? Perhaps you should ask Ron Brown, Vince Foster, CIA Director William Colby, or Admiral Jeremy Boorda if she's dangerous.

Oh, never mind.
PFC Jim Wheeler
PFC Jim Wheeler
8 y
PO3 Jason Melito - How is that an exaggeration of Trump?

He does and says whatever will help him at the time, repeatedly flip flopping to pander to whichever group has what he wants.

He's donated to Clinton campaigns, the Clinton Foundation, had the Clintons as honored guests at his wedding even.

He's run as a 3rd party candidate who lamented the debate commission standards and then later as the Republican candidate has said that 3rd parties shouldn't be able to debate.

He's lied repeatedly, denying things that we can prove he has said/done (much like Clinton).

He ran a primary campaign based only on slinging mud and appeals to authority, without ever taliing about any policies besides "were gonna build a wall."

How does any of that make you believe that Trump is the candidate most fit to serve as POTUS?
PFC Jim Wheeler
PFC Jim Wheeler
8 y
PO3 Jason Melito - Which of those are exaggerations? Those are things I have actually seen him do, evidence of him doing them is everywhere.

Is everything he does wrong just the biased media coming after him? At what point would you start to consider that maybe he actually does those things?
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Maj Rob Drury
Edited 8 y ago
It's not very smart to throw one's vote away on "principle." Keep in mind that when you vote for a non-viable candidate, it takes your vote away from the viable candidate you'd otherwise have voted for, thus helping the opponent who you probably don't want in office.
PFC Jim Wheeler
PFC Jim Wheeler
8 y
Unless there is no viable candidate that you would have voted for.

Honestly, I can't wait for that view to die out. Voting for the best of two bad options is what got us where we are today, and I would much rather cast a vote for a candidate than to waste it voting against one.
Maj Rob Drury
Maj Rob Drury
8 y
PFC Jim Wheeler - I understand your point, but it's irrelevant. We have who we have, so the lesser of the available evils is how we must vote. Otherwise, we improve the chances for the greater evil.
SGT Tony Clifford
SGT Tony Clifford
8 y
That is a very selfish thing to say. You're essentially saying that people should lose their voice to make someone else's voice louder, presumably yours. The only wasted vote is for someone you don't believe in.
Maj Rob Drury
Maj Rob Drury
8 y
SGT Tony Clifford - Not in the slightest. I'm simply stating the mathematical realities of the situation. If anyone wants to piss away their vote, that's their right. It is the system that has stolen people's voices.
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