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Responses: 42
LTC Stephen F.
Edited 8 y ago
Thanks for posting an interesting question as usual COL Mikel J. Burroughs. It is amazing to me that any service member would show disrespect for the national colors and/or the National Anthem.
Conduct unbecoming has been a UCMJ violation which makes sense in this case where those who swore an oath upon enlistment or commissioning are now disrespecting the time honored observance of all ranks when the National Anthem is played- I know there is UCMJ statute for commissioned officers and I hope there is a corresponding statute for all other ranks.
I hope that service member who allies themselves with any organization that is focused on disrupting rather than embracing community is charged appropriately and disciplined to the appropriate extent of the law.
Hopefully they will be separated from military service under other than honorable conditions if they refuse to honor the lawful orders on those appointed over them.
LTC Stephen F.
LTC Stephen F.
8 y
PO3 (Join to see) - what is a 92 or two? Is that non-judicial punishment like an Article 15?
SSgt Robert Marx
SSgt Robert Marx
8 y
An article 92 is non-judicial punishment which would mean extra-duty, loss of pay or rank along with no promotions for a few promotion cycles.
SSgt Robert Marx
SSgt Robert Marx
8 y
I agree that absolutely no service member should ever disrespect the flag or the anthem. It used to bother me to see troops running for a building when the anthem would be played at the end of the day. I decided to just be respectful and render military courtesy myself when ever I was out and about. I recall stopping runs during workouts to salute the flag.
PO3 Missile Technician
PO3 (Join to see)
>1 y
LTC Stephen F. - Sir, Article 92 is failure to obey an order or regulation. There's a possibility they could hit you with more than one for a given offense. It is my understanding that conduct unbecoming is only for officers, but may extend to NCOs. I believe in the case of the PO2 who did this, she lost no rank but was not promotable and left after her enlistment.
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SrA Chris "Shadow" McGee
Unfortunately, the young recruits today that come from an era where they think they are entitled to do as they please fail to comprehend everything that making that military commitment entails. There are rules and regs in place for a reason, many have been in place since before many of us were born. If they cannot obey a simple written instruction, especially one that as a service member they should feel an obligation towards following, they do not deserve to remain in the service and should be separated. It is unfortunate that all branches will probably have to post something similar.....and on FB and twitter, before some of these youngsters get it. Thanks for the post COL Mikel J. Burroughs
PO3 Rod Arnold
PO3 Rod Arnold
8 y
Time to revert back to the old bootcamp, where you learned your were entitled to learn the military way of life. No cards to pull out of your pocket if your feelings get hurt!!!
PO1 John Johnson
PO1 John Johnson
8 y
Battlefield Opinion Promotion for you, Airman.
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Sgt Dallas D'Angelo-Gary
Is it really necessary to re-teach this? It was an inherent part of our lives when I was in the military.
MAJ Rene De La Rosa
MAJ Rene De La Rosa
8 y
I am with you; why would there have to be a re-teaching necessary. Most veterans, military members and their families have it.
MSgt John McGowan
MSgt John McGowan
7 y
Yes many needs re-teaching of common things that older vets know by heart. It’t a different world today with parents not doing proper training.
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