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Responses: 3
CPT Jack Durish
Edited 8 y ago
Whoever said that truth is stranger than fiction never met a member of the political Left. I am going to post this link all over social media. Why limit my unfriends and blocks to RP?
SGT Damaso V Santana
SGT Damaso V Santana
8 y
CPT Jack Durish Exactly! last night I was telling SFC (Join to see) that as far as RP I am already blocked by most of them, ask me if I care!
It is our duty to try to shake as many of the zombies awake (considering if possible?). The power of state run media and the results of years of infiltration in our educational system are going to be hard to reverse, but it has to start somewhere, these are our first steps in that direction.
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SFC George Smith
Edited 8 y ago
Rescue Elements and Close air and Fire Support were en-rout and actually on Station (AC-130) with in 2 hours of the initial assault... and the IRF was loading with a command and control element and were "All Ordered to Stand Down..."
... Please Tell me who has the authority to tell 2 star to go and tell a 3 star to stand down and shortly there after relieve him of his command...
... who ordered the Fighter Aircraft to return to Naples
... who ordered a Marine Amphibious Assault Group to stand down... while they are in the Process of Launching a rescue Mission...
SGT Damaso V Santana
SGT Damaso V Santana
8 y
General Hamm, relieved or should I say purged of his command by cover up in chief.
SGT Damaso V Santana
SGT Damaso V Santana
8 y
I recently posted a "What if these forces would have gone in"
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SFC Retired
I think your link is going to be flooded by her "what difference does it make?" supporters.
SGT Damaso V Santana
SGT Damaso V Santana
8 y
The more the merrier! Two thirds of them have already blocked me, the other third are like leave behinds...
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