Posted on Sep 1, 2016
What Abe Lincoln Prophesied About Trump and Hillary
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 7
CPT (Join to see) I was a resident of New Mexico when Johnson was Governor. The one thing he believes that I really like is that it is not government's function to create jobs. It is government's function to create an environment in which private industry creates jobs.
If one needs any further proof that the Republicans and Democrats do not have the interests of the American People even on the radar, look at these two "candidates" Trump is about Trump. I do not necessarily believe he is a racist, because that would require him to have a stance. His stance is what will help the Trump brand. By that reasoning, he doesn't need to win the election. He has already done what he set out to do: put himself and his brand front and center on the world stage. Hillary has been shown repeatedly to be ignorant at best, a criminal at worst. It is only because the crooked FBI director (I say crooked because finding evidence that classified materials were mishandled, but not recommending criminal charges makes them look crooked to me) gave her a pass that she will not even see a court room for her transgressions. Neither is qualified for the job they are applying. Neither is in any way what I want to present to the world as America. Neither should have access to nuclear weapons.
Yet here we are a little over two months from the general election in which the sheep of America will elect "the lesser of two evils" as they see it. Problem is this, the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil. I wish that the taxpayer funded primaries would go away. If the parties want to hold primary elections, let them do it on their dime. Let them do it without subjecting all Americans to their toxic rhetoric. I am an independent voter. I look at ALL politicians as lying, if their lips are moving. I want to see America with ten candidates all with a valid path to election. I want to see debates that include all the candidates who are going to be on the ballot in all fifty states. Let's open this up so that the people can actually make a choice, instead of the farce that is Swillary Vs. Chump.
If one needs any further proof that the Republicans and Democrats do not have the interests of the American People even on the radar, look at these two "candidates" Trump is about Trump. I do not necessarily believe he is a racist, because that would require him to have a stance. His stance is what will help the Trump brand. By that reasoning, he doesn't need to win the election. He has already done what he set out to do: put himself and his brand front and center on the world stage. Hillary has been shown repeatedly to be ignorant at best, a criminal at worst. It is only because the crooked FBI director (I say crooked because finding evidence that classified materials were mishandled, but not recommending criminal charges makes them look crooked to me) gave her a pass that she will not even see a court room for her transgressions. Neither is qualified for the job they are applying. Neither is in any way what I want to present to the world as America. Neither should have access to nuclear weapons.
Yet here we are a little over two months from the general election in which the sheep of America will elect "the lesser of two evils" as they see it. Problem is this, the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil. I wish that the taxpayer funded primaries would go away. If the parties want to hold primary elections, let them do it on their dime. Let them do it without subjecting all Americans to their toxic rhetoric. I am an independent voter. I look at ALL politicians as lying, if their lips are moving. I want to see America with ten candidates all with a valid path to election. I want to see debates that include all the candidates who are going to be on the ballot in all fifty states. Let's open this up so that the people can actually make a choice, instead of the farce that is Swillary Vs. Chump.
When was the last time anyone was ecstatic about the choices that were selected for us by the establishment parties. For me, it was Reagan. Since then, it's mostly voting against someone. Trump was elected by the masses as the Republican Party because he figured out what the major issues were, even if poorly enunciated. Johnson will get his normal 7-8% from the die hard Libertarians primarily because of his stance on mind altering drugs. He does have some good ideas, but on occasion, his presentation indicated he may have used some of his federally illegal products.
PO3 Steven Sherrill
MCPO Roger Collins when I was a kid, I couldn't wait to be old enough to vote. To finally be able to have my voice heard. Once I was old enough I realized that for the most part it was all about how much bullshit can you avoid in trying to make a choice that you can stomach the next day.
It would be funny if it were true. Calling Trump a member of the KKK or the KKK's favorite son is a canard. This is a man who has never been associated with the KKK until it became politically expedient. The truth is that tarring Trump with that brush only reveals how little ammunition has to hurl at him. Now, you want to talk bat guano crazy, let's talk Libertarian
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