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Responses: 11
LCpl Todd Houston
Being a libertarian, I am sure I have the unpopular view. I think that this is total B.S. First, the feds need to legalize weed across the board. I can tell you a million reasons why, but lets just say I talk from experience. We wont give a gun license to someone holding a medical marijuana card, but we trust millions of folks with concealed carry permits not to drink.??? What the hell over? Just sayin'.
1stSgt Eugene Harless
1stSgt Eugene Harless
8 y
I wonder what type of form she filled out that she had to put down her medications on. In my opininion they need to come to a consensus, Is MJ taken for medical reasons something that should be protect information under HIPPA?
The Federal Government ( The VA) prescribes medications that affect judgement far more than MJ, yet thats not asked on a form. I am not an MJ user, but I think we need to reexamine federal law and do away with the criminization of it.
SSG Drew Cook
SSG Drew Cook
8 y
MMJ is prescribed from everything from pain to mental health disorders. Some of the drugs I took when I was on synthetic medication made me way worse off than I was without any medication, and I have an CCW. It's plain silly, holding back a right with no justification.
SFC (Join to see)
8 y
I agree. Not to mention a plethora of prescription medications.
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SGT Jimmy Carpenter
So medical marijuana users can't buy firearms but anyone else with a prescription for antidepressants or any other mood altering drug can purchase firearms...
SGT William Howell
SGT William Howell
8 y
They could buy a gun if weed were legal. I can have my city make a law that it is ok to drive drunk in the city limits. That does not mean that the police cannot charge me for a state crime of DUI. SO...it is still illegal to drive drunk in my city limits no matter what the city says. The states can make weed legal all they want it is still a federal crime to posses it.

So what has to happen is some state going to have to sue the federal government for overstepping its federal powers and they are going to have to have a conservative majority uphold the Constitution as it pertains to states rights. Liberal judges tend to shit all over personal freedom even if it fits into their hippy views.
CPO Andy Carrillo, MS
CPO Andy Carrillo, MS
8 y
SGT Jimmy Carpenter yup, all because 'the mary jane' remains on the federal list of Schedule 1 drugs like heroin. BTW, if a person is chronically depressed are they supposed to answer 'yes' to the question related to having a mental illness on the signed form required to purchase a firearm from a FFL'ed dealer, right?
SSG Drew Cook
SSG Drew Cook
8 y
I did. I still got mine.
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1SG Al Brown
I don't get it. A person wants to legally purchase a firearm. They have been issued a medical marijuana ID card, obviously sanctioned by at least a state government. Whats the difference between a doctors prescription of marijuana for pain or an opiate for pain. Honestly, I don't have any fear of a guy randomly shooting me that just smoked a joint. Nope, I can't get a visual of that at all. Has it ever happened before?
CPO Andy Carrillo, MS
CPO Andy Carrillo, MS
8 y
1SG Al Brown the 9th circus is being proactively ensuring choom gangers never get the chance to smoke someone while smoking one. ;o)
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