Posted on Aug 29, 2016
BREAKING – Guess Who Taught Colin Kaepernick to Hate America?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 12
Kaepernick is bi-racial, adopted by a white couple. If you take a moment to try to walk in his shoes, actually anyone's shoes who is a minority you might understand Colin's position.
PFC Brian McCloud
I was raised rather "white-ish" and never really thought of myself different than my (mostly white) friends growing up. We had the same values, same social circles, same friends' parents, etc. but during my teen years in reflecting back from then to when i was younger I recognized I was treated differently in various situations, than my friends. Sometimes the differences in treatment were obvious but mostly the differences were subtle, like attitudes, body language/gestures, voice tone and what it seems to have really boiled down to is level of respect and the benefit of the doubt. From from my own experience, it is difficult being Native (75%, 25% white) and living in a Euro-centric country. It is a little difficult to be a Native veteran. The person of color in my IS tired of racial inequality and police brutality but the veteran in my wants to say that there are other ways to protest these things than (relatively) disrespecting our National Anthem. When it comes down to it though, there are truly not many avenues (with such shock value anyways) that professional athletes have to affect change so this may very well be his best stage to bring attention to the conversation. You throw in that he IS displaying freedom of speech (that we all swore to train and fight to protect) and I have to say I respect Kaepernick's integrity and commitment to his cause.
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