Posted on Aug 26, 2016
Recalling Hillary Clinton’s claim of ‘landing under sniper fire’ in Bosnia
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 17
CPT Pedro Meza
The funny part is that both parties are responsible for the screwed up educational system, hell they both combined created the MONSTER..
Capt Seid Waddell
CPT Pedro Meza, the educational system went downhill sharply when the Hippies of the '60s became the professors and administrators of today and permeated the system with their leftist ideology.
As the twig is bent so grows the tree.
As the twig is bent so grows the tree.
Well there are two simple choices. 1) Hillary is lying about lying. 2) Hillary is insane in the sense that she can not discern reality. This is no s---t, I was flying helicopters in Nam, my co pilot, Brian Williams, says" hay, look over there at the Aramda of Persian ships sailing over to conquer Greece." We alerted the door gunner, and did straffing runs and that folks is how we saved the 300 Spartans that saved western Greece! No s---t!
It appears that politics still adheres to the old legal principle of "caveat emptor" (Let the buyer beware). In those days, consumers who complained about being bilked or lied to were simply told that they were idiots. Don't you know that every used car salesman lies? It's just "sales puffery". That all changed and the rule was replaced by "caveat vendor" (Let the seller beware) and merchants became liable for the losses of customers who relied on their claims. Apparently, this change hasn't found it's way into the voting booth
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