Posted on Aug 24, 2016
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: Trump has no credibility with black voters
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 17
I agree with that sentiment, and here's why: when was the last public appearance Trump made in a major, mostly black city? His remarks about Detroit were made from an all-white town an hour and a half away. If you won't come to my doorstep, why should I vote for you?
SN Greg Wright
SSG Michael Hartsfield - If I'm included in that 'many people', I shouldn't be. I completely understand -- and agree with -- this point. My only contention was that people need to moderate their remarks so that they don't appear to be speaking for everyone.
The RNC prepared an autospy report following the 2012 election highlighting everything wrong with the party and what needed to be fixed.
Trump's campaign has done the exact opposite of what the report recommended, so its no surprise that Blacks and Hispanics are staying away in the high 90th percentiles.
Trump's campaign has done the exact opposite of what the report recommended, so its no surprise that Blacks and Hispanics are staying away in the high 90th percentiles.
SSG Michael Hartsfield There are a lot of negative comments on here, but I get it. If Trump wants to actually win he better listen. He didn't bash Trump. He just said that he better get out on the streets if he wants votes.
The Republican Party, My party, has played a lot of lip service to talking about attracting black voters and then done nothing! There is no new blood; there is nothing to offer to any young voter of any color. Until they fix it they are fighting an up hill battle to win the White House. Kareem said it like it is.
For those of you that are upset about his statement then tell the GOP to stop talking and start doing!
The Republican Party, My party, has played a lot of lip service to talking about attracting black voters and then done nothing! There is no new blood; there is nothing to offer to any young voter of any color. Until they fix it they are fighting an up hill battle to win the White House. Kareem said it like it is.
For those of you that are upset about his statement then tell the GOP to stop talking and start doing!
SSG Michael Hartsfield
I agree completely. If Trump is serious about getting the Black vote, he needs to go the Black, Latino, Asian, and yes, Muslim communities to get those votes. "What have you got to lose" is something you say to someone you are trying to date.
SGT William Howell
SSG Michael Hartsfield Absolutely! Grass roots! He ain't going to win it from Trump Tower!
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