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Responses: 12
Col Rebecca Lorraine
Crooked Hillary? If anyone saw Trumps taxes he wouldn't be elected.
Col Rebecca Lorraine
Col Rebecca Lorraine
8 y
SPC Randy Semanko - Your wrong. Respectfully, I pay taxes to support this country. I pay because integrity demands it. The notion that it is ok to find every loophole when you make millions and are profoundly wealthy is not only despicable, but unpatriotic. The middle class pay the taxes and he cheats the system. How laudable. Character, honesty, integrity, these things mean something. Just because you can doesn't make it right.
Col Rebecca Lorraine
Col Rebecca Lorraine
8 y
SPC Randy Semanko - Arguing religion with the righteous is pointless. Morality is in the eyes of the beholder. What I say is honor and integrity is not based on loopholes. Government is for the people, by the people and of the people. Taking advantage or scamming is what it is. Sinning is what it is. Justifying wrong does not work.
Col Rebecca Lorraine
Col Rebecca Lorraine
8 y
SPC Randy Semanko - Yes.
Maj Security Forces
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>1 y
I really don't care. I pay a pretty good rate but if I was rich and could afford dozens of accountants and attorneys I wouldn't pay any if I didn't have to.

I've heard some say he should pay something just to be American or something like that.

Really? I receive a voluntary tax bill from my county each year. Do you think I voluntarily give them more to be a good citizen?
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LTC Owner
it would seem that the donald wants "yes men". His ego may well be his demise as a presidential hopeful. Thanks for the share SSG Michael Hartsfield
LTC Immigration Judge
LTC (Join to see)
8 y
LTC (Join to see) - Don't they do that every four years?
LTC Owner
LTC (Join to see)
8 y
LTC (Join to see) - the last couple have been particularly bad. The BS mud slinging is enough to deter any sane person from seeking public office.
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
8 y
When you enter the commerce stream, you may do business with people that you do not like or agree with. Doesn't matter if you are a Political Consultant, Attorney or Baker.
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LTC (Join to see)
8 y
TSgt Anthony Elmer - Thats what I thought, thanks
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Maj Security Forces
Yes and I was curious. He left the Trump campaign in August.

I checked his Twitter account. No activity since August

Manafort just dropped out of sight.
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