Posted on Aug 16, 2016
Citing Clinton, sailor seeks mercy in classified pics case
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
.....and he will not receive it....he is, after all...not involved in POLITICS and he is NOT a Clinton.

Suspended Profile
CMDCM Gene Treants - I would expect cameras of any kind to be forbidden in proximity to classified spaces, equipment, and materials. What are the policies - and how significant is damage to national security here? Will this reawaken a spirit of renewed vigilance - like the improvements in our diplomatic mission sevurity - once that young marine allowed a young female agent into a code room. Warmest Regards, Sandy :)
CMDCM Gene Treants
As much as I would love to see him prosecuted for what he did, regardless of the ridiculous cover story of only taking them to "show his children and grandchildren," Sec of State Clinton has set the felony bar at a new LOW. If the FBI says she committed stupidity and not a felony, how do you charge anyone after that?
NO, Cameras are not allowed. Yes, it should be a felony. I cannot begin to tell you the impact to National Security without more knowledge of the pictures and IF he actually ever released them to anyone. If he is still in the Navy, I expect his career on Submarines is over and any chance of a security clearance is gone. Happy to try to answer 1LT Sandy Annala
NO, Cameras are not allowed. Yes, it should be a felony. I cannot begin to tell you the impact to National Security without more knowledge of the pictures and IF he actually ever released them to anyone. If he is still in the Navy, I expect his career on Submarines is over and any chance of a security clearance is gone. Happy to try to answer 1LT Sandy Annala
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