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Responses: 2
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Edited 8 y ago
CMDCM Gene Treants - You know my approach to this behavior. What say you? Sandy
CMDCM Gene Treants
CMDCM Gene Treants
8 y
1LT Sandy Annala I believe you also know what I would do to him if possible, but then the court would charge me. His behavior should never be condoned or covered up in any way. When he is found guilty he cannot be reduced in grade since he is already an E-1, but he should be confined for life since the Military does not use capital punishment for these offenses. (I believe they should in special circumstances, which are clearly met here since it is well past rape alone.)

When he went to attempted murder to cover up his crime and then intimidation of a witness, well I think I have made my feelings clear. I am convinced his lawyers will NEVER allow any other crimes to be brought to light or any military court would convict in a heartbeat.

Hopefully the victimS will get the treatment they need. I know his conviction will help in their recovery, but that will be a life long process for them. Hopefully both trials will be swift and sure in convictions of this reprobate with convections in each case or life or worse.
SN Greg Wright
Glad she's ok. Sounds like a predator that needs dealing with, since he did it to another woman too. Makes you wonder how he got into the Navy.
SN Greg Wright
SN Greg Wright
8 y
PO1 John Crafton - Can't argue with that.
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8 y
PO1 John Crafton - Maybe we should do a little background checking before enlistment. Then again I have seen the military straighten out many a wayward young man, Warmest Regards, Sandy :)
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8 y
PO1 John Crafton - I was thinking more along the lines of a full scope field background check including behavioral and reputation inquiries from second and third order references . . . not a mere paperwork summary national agency check. Sandy
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LTC Immigration Judge
He deserves a fair trial, and if convicted, the maximum penalty.
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8 y
LTC (Join to see) - US Navy MK23 Mod 0 .45 ACP Predator Removal Tool. Sandy
LTC Immigration Judge
LTC (Join to see)
8 y
1LT Sandy Annala - I have zero tolerance for predators as well, but even they have their constitutional rights.
LTC Immigration Judge
LTC (Join to see)
8 y
1LT Sandy Annala - Nice toy.
CMDCM Gene Treants
CMDCM Gene Treants
8 y
1LT Sandy Annala - when working as a Child Protective Service Investigator and Supervisor I also formed those very Strong Opinions. One of the reasons I retired was that MY Personal feelings were to strong when it came to some parents. My desires for retroactive abortions for those PARENTS were causing me too many problems so that I could no longer be impartial in my work. A agree with your desire for swift and sure justice for the victims, the perps have earned their punishment and dredging the victims thru the courts DOES repunish and victimize them
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