Posted on Aug 13, 2016
Dixie Chicks singer is furious about country music radio's 'double standard' on Trump
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 6

Suspended Profile
These gals lost their fan base the first time. I didn't even know they were still around.

CPT Jack Durish
They've been sneaking back, quietly

SSgt Ed Lewandowski
they need to be shot down again they suck royal donkey dicks
CPT Jack Durish
PO3 David Fries - Mark Twain's "The Prince And The Pauper" was an indictment of royal families. When he finished, he wrote to a friend that he couldn't have excoriated them more even if he "had a pen warmed in hell". I wonder how he'd feel today to see American celebrities climbing over each other to gain an audience with the Queen of England or Americans fawning over entertainers, athletes, and politicians as though they were royalty. Probably as disgusted as I

Suspended Profile
PO3 David Fries and CPT Jack Durish honestly I don't remember which one was which but I must assume any celebrity who is famous for saying stupid things is at least a 7/10. No one cares what ugly people have to say even when it's the truth.
She fails to realize that when I pay her for her time, I'm paying for her music, not her political punditry. If she hired me as a plumber, how tolerant would she be of me billing her for time I spent commenting on my political views? So dear Natalie, quit talking and start singing.
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