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Responses: 3
LTC Chief Executive Officer (Ceo)
Edited 6 y ago
Trending. We are in the Top #10 on Amazon. Just need a few more to accept the free book and get the message out there than much more. The book has additional short stories from veterans from the Vietnam era to today and has the Seven Steps to Resiliency as a tool to overcome adversity. I am humbled by the help and support I get on a daily basis. I also want to thank Rally Point for this platform to share.
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LTC Chief Executive Officer (Ceo)
Edited 6 y ago
Because it is important, I have a question? Why is it everyone wants change but when you ask them to do something, they freeze? I am in awe of the lack of action on part of those who claim they want transition and help yet never will lift a finger to help themselves or their fellow man. Being of service to others is the best feeling in the world but comes a time when you can only help the willing "yes", I will download the free resiliency book.
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LTC Chief Executive Officer (Ceo)
Results do not happen just because you ask. They happen when others take action. I have worked on this project for three years, this book has been in Parade, Psychology today and was selected as a pick for 2019 for the largest consulting book club in the world. Download it for yourself, and share it with your battle buddy. True leadership is the ability to influence others to accomplish a mission. The mission of giving others tools so they do not harm themselves to me is worth supporting. What do you say and what will you do?
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