Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 7
1LT (Join to see)
TSgt Anthony Elmer - I have not seen her saying she did not initially support the Iraq war. Here is what I know. Donald Trump has no core values and ideologies. I have always known Hillary Clinton as a democrat who has been constant all most core, if not all, core issues in the party's platform.
PO1 John Miller
1LT (Join to see)
Operative phrase: "PARTY'S platform..." But do the Democrats really have your best interests at heart, or are they making secret deals, killing people who don't go with the status quo, and run up or debt to almost $20 trillion?
Operative phrase: "PARTY'S platform..." But do the Democrats really have your best interests at heart, or are they making secret deals, killing people who don't go with the status quo, and run up or debt to almost $20 trillion?
PO1 John Miller
Our debt is almost 20 trillion under Obama's watch, and how many DNC staffers have "died mysteriously?"
Our debt is almost 20 trillion under Obama's watch, and how many DNC staffers have "died mysteriously?"
MSgt (Join to see)
1LT (Join to see) - So Trump can't change his mind either?? Oh, what about Hillary's Bosnia lie? Hillary's Email lie? And Hillary's lie about NEVER lying on national TV? She is worse at it than Trump is. And yes, Trump does lie, but nothing like Hillary.
He lies...She lies. Here is a news flash for you...THEY ARE BOTH POLITICIANS. Anything they say can be spun to read whatever your position is. Heck, as a commander everything I said was taken out of context by someone. I doubt there was ever a day my name wasn't burned n effigy.
Put things in context of the time they were said. Hillary voted for the war but to put it in context, she voted for the threat of war to give inspectors more teeth and time to try and find the weapons...then we went to war. Now should she have voted for it??? CONTEXT!!! Trump was against it for monetary reasons...here is a new concept...HE'S A BUSINESS MAN out to make money. CONTEXT.
Make decisions on what they are standing on now...not 14-15 years ago. The world has changed. Research, read, listen, make your own decisions versus reading one news article (by the way this comment is for both sides of the fence) and making judgment. Weigh pros and cons and vote your conscience.
Put things in context of the time they were said. Hillary voted for the war but to put it in context, she voted for the threat of war to give inspectors more teeth and time to try and find the weapons...then we went to war. Now should she have voted for it??? CONTEXT!!! Trump was against it for monetary reasons...here is a new concept...HE'S A BUSINESS MAN out to make money. CONTEXT.
Make decisions on what they are standing on now...not 14-15 years ago. The world has changed. Research, read, listen, make your own decisions versus reading one news article (by the way this comment is for both sides of the fence) and making judgment. Weigh pros and cons and vote your conscience.
In politics, it is acceptable to change your stance. "We have evolved on this issue..." and so forth....
1LT (Join to see)
But it looks very dishonest when a candidate makes a complete makeover like Trump did. He reversed every single position and core principles he every held.
CW5 (Join to see)
Please name all the positions and how he changed them. Also provide the source where he laid out his core principles. Anything he mentions early on in life can be attributed to actually growing up and living life. Our President himself smoked pot and snorted coke in the past. I bet he has given it up since then as he matured. In fact, I am still maturing and have room to grow.
Now with HRC we can actually get some of this information as she was a Senator and her voting record is a matter of public record and we can compare that to her Senatorial campaign. http://votesmart.org/candidate/key-votes/55463/hillary-clinton#.V63j1jZf270
You won't find any real Trump or Hillary published core principles or values any more than you will find something that lays out American values other than the founding documents which are continually (by design) up for debate. Anything a candidate says is in a general sense or looking for an emotional response like a meme: "One death is too much!" "Our children need more protection!" "We are better than that" "They're coming for our guns!" "He wants to destroy America!"
Now with HRC we can actually get some of this information as she was a Senator and her voting record is a matter of public record and we can compare that to her Senatorial campaign. http://votesmart.org/candidate/key-votes/55463/hillary-clinton#.V63j1jZf270
You won't find any real Trump or Hillary published core principles or values any more than you will find something that lays out American values other than the founding documents which are continually (by design) up for debate. Anything a candidate says is in a general sense or looking for an emotional response like a meme: "One death is too much!" "Our children need more protection!" "We are better than that" "They're coming for our guns!" "He wants to destroy America!"

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