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Responses: 8
CPT Jack Durish
What's the polling difference if only legal voters are counted?
Maj Rob Drury
Maj Rob Drury
8 y
Kind of irrelevant, as plenty of illegals will likely be voting. Hopefully, I'm wrong.
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SFC Kenneth Hunnell
I will say this from the start, I AM AMERICAN FIRST.
Hillary Clinton wants the job, Trump, he is doing this to raise a bunch of noise. He is already a multimillionaire.
Why would he take a pay cut
Why would he give up his company
Why would he put himself in a stressful position, being president is not a cake walk.
He is a business man, his own man.
Being president, he will no longer be his own man.
He will no longer be in control of his business.
He will not be free, he will always have someone covering his six.
Trump has done everything but say that he does not want the job.
As I said earlier, Hillary Clinton wants to be president, she is not rocking the cradle, she is a politician.

People complain about president Obama, go figure, he was not elected once but twice.
If someone was that bad, how do they get re-elected.
If the republicans had someone worth their salt, I would vote for them.
So, when Hillary Clinton wins, you can thank trump
SFC Kenneth Hunnell
SFC Kenneth Hunnell
8 y
SGT (Join to see) - what expenses, the media is making millions off of his big mouth. He is not losing any money
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
SGT (Join to see)
8 y
SFC Kenneth Hunnell, I was saying that, if he loses the election. He will figure out someway to still come out on top, financially.
SFC Kenneth Hunnell
SFC Kenneth Hunnell
8 y
TSgt Anthony Elmer - she has trump
PFC Jose Eguizabal
PFC Jose Eguizabal
8 y
SFC Kenneth Hunnell - I agree 100% sir. He will keep giving the media more fuel with his stupid remarks and tweets.
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PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
Pretty Fair Assessment Sarge Bodine. He definitely isn't winning a Popularity Contest here in Kansas City, Kansas and I would highly recommend he never visit the Argentine Neighborhood.
PFC Jose Eguizabal
PFC Jose Eguizabal
8 y
You have one there in KC? You should go have some Argentine steak. I miss the little Argentine place in L.A. I used to go to. Brazilian churruscaria is pretty legit too.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
8 y
PFC Jose Eguizabal - Kansas City Kansas has a heavy Latino Population and the Argentine Neighborhood is the most Latino in the community. I suspect there is a strong Argentinian Influence but not really sure. I know that most of our State Tea Party Republicans are not welcome in that community.
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