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Responses: 5
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I love the act of defiance. Thanks for sharing SGT Edward Wilcox
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PO2 John Zodun
I’m sorry Brother Edward but it was probably paid for with our money
SGT Edward Wilcox
SGT Edward Wilcox
>1 y
Why would you assume such a thing? Is it really so far fetched that a Muslim organization, or a Mosque, paid for this with their own money? Why does it have to be paid for with tax money?
PO2 John Zodun
PO2 John Zodun
>1 y
because brother Edward of their actions around the USA. I’m sorry you don’t agree but that’s my opinion
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Cpl Jeff N.
Nice billboard. It does not however counteract the hundreds of terrorist acts and murders (in the middle east and the west) of tens of thousands of innocent people in the name if Islam. I suspect the radicals could put up a billboard with a Quran verse that says something about killing their enemies in a nano second.

This is symbolism over substance. They drive trucks into crowds, behead priests, shoot up bars and restaurants, blow up airports and air liners and we put up a billboard. Reminds me a bit of Michelle Obama (and others) with their sign saying #Bring Our Girls Back. Where are the girls? They're all gone. Signs don't quite do the trick do they?
SGT Edward Wilcox
SGT Edward Wilcox
>1 y
The sign shows that not all Muslims are terrorists, as you would have us believe. The sign was put up by Muslims. The claim that "they" are killing innocents in the name of Islam is false. Their motivations are political, not religious.
Cpl Jeff N.
Cpl Jeff N.
>1 y
SGT Edward Wilcox Pretty lame and inaccurate comment but typical from your side. We all know that not all muslims are terrorists (you have a great command of the obvious). If that is what you think the sign proves then you are truly clueless. You set up a straw man argument and probably feel clever and then work at knocking it down only to embarrass yourself and not even realize it. Nice.

My point was symbolism over substance. Care to address that or are you content in embarrassing yourself in setting up arguments no one made to then refute?

Their motivations are many and varied. For some it is an amalgam of religion and politics. They believe they are the true believers. Some are just sadistic killers that use the cover of war, politics and religion to murder on a grand scale. To act as though their motivation in many cases in not based upon their religion is naivety of epic proportion. You can argue that you think they are not "true" muslims. They will disagree with you as they slice your throat and given their god all the credit for your undoing.
SGT Edward Wilcox
SGT Edward Wilcox
>1 y
Cpl Jeff N. - What I find most interesting is that you think you can hide your attempt at backtracking with thinly veiled condescension. You are the naïve one if you think that what they are doing is, in any way, based on religion. They are just like the Christians in this country who think they can get away with crimes if they claim a basis in religion. The claim is false. They try to use religion to justify what they are doing, but we need to realize that the claim is more about feeling morally superior than about following the tenants of Islam. The biggest critique from the right has always been "Why don't they condemn the terrorists?". Well, here they are, speaking out against the terrorists, trying to take back their religion, and it still isn't enough for the idiots on the right.
Cpl Jeff N.
Cpl Jeff N.
>1 y
SGT Edward Wilcox There is no backtracking because I never said or implied what you attempted to attribute to me. You are a shallow liberal that builds straw men for your destruction because that is all you are able to do. Try to use some reading comprehension skills first and read what I said if you are able. You want to believe that I think every single muslim in the world is a terrorist because that is the boogeyman you want to set up.

Your logic seem to be if I think any muslim is radical I must think all of them are radical. That is third grade logic devoid of any critical thinking skills at all.

Which Christians in this country think they can get away with a crime because of their faith? Christians are convicted of crimes all the time and jailed. Again, another non argument without any back up whatsoever.

If you do not believe that ISIS, Al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah and a cadre of other radical islamist groups are not religiously motivated you are simply ignoring reality. They believe they are, their propaganda states their position clearly. They give their god credit and praise for all they do. They read and quote their holy book (the Quran) regularly to support their acts. It is a fair argument to make that they do not represent all muslims (which again is stating the obvious) but to deny the link between their actions and their belief system is self deception.

You are a typical liberal working in a clue free environment that wants to suspend reality to fit your belief system.
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