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Responses: 8
SFC George Smith
Here we go again... incase anyone has forgotten this non-since was tried before... Did not work then and will not work now...
This is nothing more than another Liberal way to Tax and Spend... How Long before they Tax you for sleeping in your own Bed, based on the amount you are sleeping there...
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
8 y
Cities like Anaheim California have very little affordable housing because they want hotels due to the bed tax they make vs the property tax they don't make from the homes..
TSgt Melissa Post
TSgt Melissa Post
8 y
I do remember them trying this back when I was in school now that I think of it.
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SSG Aircraft Mechanic
They're just looking for new ways to bleed money out of us and trying to make us ok with it by saying it's for "the greater good".
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
8 y
What I don't like is this noblesse oblige which basically says the nobility will take care or is obligated to take care of the rest of the people. For those who pass the laws or who are behind it are probably fat themselves and they smoke and drink which they shouldn't do and I should exercise. I'm 54 years old I have a liter of dr. Pepper everyday I'm walking 12000 steps away the same way I weighed 20 years ago I look at my support for my fitness report from 20 years ago and I weigh the same so why should I be penalized because Johnny can't put the pipe down but Johnny will play Minecraft on his PlayStation but he won't do exercise in the playground that's not my fault. So yes a bunch of b******* save you put the carbon tax on saying that if you put the carbon tax on gasoline that you will drive less bullpucky I drive the same in California when I used to live there when gas was $2.59 a gallon or $4.50 a gallon it makes no difference to me but politicians and some radicals think of that. Just a little way of making money when you have the should be on the kids to exercise and to have some willpower they can't run the same corner. Said they would call as soon as they hear the name Donald Trump that the Run of their safe corner and they can discuss it in political science in college that's bullpucky as well.
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CW5 Regimental Chief Warrant Officer
Edited 8 y ago
Carbon taxing could work if there was actual science to show that any technology would actually offset and balance the carbon put into the atmosphere. In reality, all carbon taxation (and tax credits) does is put money in someone else's pocket that may or may not be regulated or monitored in how they spend the money.
IOW, people are scamming the system.
Penn and Teller did an episode about this.

And consumption taxes won't effect a thing. Look at the number of poor that smoke and drink in New York and those are taxed to death.
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