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Responses: 6
PO1 John Miller
SFC Stephen King
I hope these families take Hillary to the cleaners!
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LTC Immigration Judge
Edited 8 y ago
What a joke. I hope these losers waste lots of money in legal fees and that the educated public sees this after EIGHT GOP CONGRESSIONAL WITCH-HUNTS as nothing more than the GOP "Swift Boating" bullshit that it is.

In case anyone hasn't figured it out, it was THE TERRORISTS who are responsible for the four wrongful deaths, but that never stopped the right-wing crazies from trying to create a bogus scandal where no real scandal exists.
LTC Immigration Judge
LTC (Join to see)
8 y
Cpl (Join to see) - Don't hold your breath.
SPC Rory J. Mattheisen
SPC Rory J. Mattheisen
8 y
Cpl Anthony Pearson
Cpl Anthony Pearson
8 y
Let's use this analogy...

You are a parent.

Your kids are in danger and need YOUR help. They call you for help, over and over again. Call. Text. Email. Smoke effing signals. You are their lifeline. YOU have the power to thwart the danger and save your kids. You see the calls coming in, and ignore them. You see the texts. Ignore them. You make a conscious decision to NOT help.

Unsurprisingly, your kids are killed or seriously harmed. While you didn't hurt them directly, your lack of action and care led to a situation that could have either been avoided or drastically reduced.

Are the bad guys still to blame? Hell yes.

Are you a piece of shit for failing to help your kids? ABSOLUTELY. You ARE a piece of shit.

Are you FIT to be a parent? Guardian? HELL NO. YOU are a worthless pile of crap and unfit to represent any child ever again. Your lack of care and attention is also criminal and should be punished, not rewarded and/or glossed over.

Do you disagree?
LTC Immigration Judge
LTC (Join to see)
8 y
Cpl Anthony Pearson - But that isn't what happened, as EIGHT investigations have proven. What is a fact is that there were no military assets in reach other than fighter planes, and fighter planes can't target individuals or rescue captives.

Again, Benghazi is a DEAD HORSE, which I refuse to continue discussing. It is a non-issue. The ONLY controversy regarding Benghazi is whether or not the GOP can get away with wasting 8 million taxpayer dollars in its blatant attempt to politicize a terrorist attack.

Welcome to my Benghazi-Conspiracy-Theorist blacklist by the way. Ride that dead horse, giddy-up!!!!!
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SPC Rory J. Mattheisen
An adult signs up for security at a black location in the middle of a shit show and people are surprised when the inevitable happens???
Cpl Anthony Pearson
Cpl Anthony Pearson
8 y
NO ADULTS will sign up for future shit shows if they know that their GOVERNMENT and LIFELINES will ignore their pleas for help and allow them to DIE in some foreign piece of shit pile of sand.

And if we don't have HEROES - BRAVE MEN AND WOMEN willing to risk their lives to protect and serve our Nation's diplomats and Americans, then what American adults will sign up to become diplomats or ambassadors knowing their nation is so willing to disregard them when the shit hits the fan?

We have a DUTY as a NATION to protect our citizens. We have a DUTY to protect our SHEEPDOGS. We have a DUTY to show the world that we will NOT be trifled with.
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