Posted on Aug 8, 2016
How liberals helped enable the rise of Trump
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
SSG Hartsfield, I think the best way to view the media isn't liberal - conservative, but rather CORPORATE. The major media outlets are owned by less than half a dozen enormous corporations that by their very nature put the bottom line above everything else.
There's an estimate that Trump got 2 billion dollars worth of free airtime thanks to playing on his celebrity and outrageous comments.
There's an estimate that Trump got 2 billion dollars worth of free airtime thanks to playing on his celebrity and outrageous comments.

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SSG (Join to see) I agree that media organizations are owned and therefore corporate and simply reveal more of their corporate bias. However, corporations are in business to make money right? They have to sell or produce something that is attractive and if that vehicle is opinion, then it's political and therefore left/right leaning.
We learned in jr high history class that the first casualty of war is the truth. I had a conversation this week where I suggested the first casualty in politics is also the truth. Politicians primarily deal in opinion; few address facts or root cause analysis. Even when they do, they will usually spin their point of view so they can be re-elected.
We learned in jr high history class that the first casualty of war is the truth. I had a conversation this week where I suggested the first casualty in politics is also the truth. Politicians primarily deal in opinion; few address facts or root cause analysis. Even when they do, they will usually spin their point of view so they can be re-elected.

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I'm with you to a point - I thought that the nominee would be a politician and I hoped it would be Ted Cruz. I think the liberal media (and most of it is, their heads admit this) wanted Trump because they simply didn't think that anyone would listen to him. Enough of his campaign was "Idiocracy" enough that it was entertaining, refreshing or frightening depending on your point of view. But I think the media desperately wanted him to be the nominee because the fix was in for HRC before anyone showed up and they thought he would be the easiest to beat.
So far, they have miscalculated because frankly most people I know have no doubt that he is superior to HRC.
So far, they have miscalculated because frankly most people I know have no doubt that he is superior to HRC.
At one point while studying philosophy I learned the triad of thesis, antithesis, and synthesis, and life has taught me that it is a useful construct for understanding the idiocy going on around me. Political correctness is the thesis, the proposition bestowed upon us by our intellectual superiors that we must make nice with one another even if we have to lie to do it. Donald Trump represents the antithesis negating political correctness every time he opens his mouth. I don't know about you, but I'm desperately awaiting the synthesis that never seems to come.
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