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Responses: 4
CPL Robert Ray
This isn't meant as an attack, but an honest seeking of knowledge: Can someone verify that 90% of the backlog has been taken care of? That figure seems inflated to me, but it may be perspective. Other than that, they are nice words. But I can tell you there is a long way to go on some things... Like the homelessness part... I've been on the cusp of homelessness 3 times during this administration. The programs out there offered only false hope. Other services helped me out rather than the veterans' programs.
CPL Robert Ray
CPL Robert Ray
8 y
SGT (Join to see) - The folks that I met with were willing to help but had their hands tied. I do understand that there are a mind-numbing amount of reasons why veterans become homeless. And it is impossible for anyone in the system to prevent homelessness without the veterans themselves participating, to be certain. But in two of the three cases I was in, it was a matter of just not having the means authorised. For example, it might take $1000 worth of resources to get a veteran off the street for a month. But keeping a vet from getting there in the first place might only need $500 worth of resources. But because of program rules, the only resources authorised to be used are the $1000 for already homeless, even if there aren't any ins particular allotment period. (This isn't exactly the way it works but it's similar enough to be used as an analogy, I think)
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
SGT (Join to see)
8 y
CPL Robert Ray, I understand better now, but if the VA can't keep up with vets medical needs, I know they won't even try to help the vets keep from becoming homeless. BTW, do you have the 10K insurance offered to vets? You can borrow from that 10K, but you have to pay yourself back. The VA will work with you on that. I want to wish you and all the other vets having problems, some sort of relief. It's way past time for the veterans to get what they earned. I'm tired of them getting screwed.
CPL Robert Ray
CPL Robert Ray
8 y
SGT (Join to see) - I'm glad I could help illustrate for you. I currently do not carry the 10k insurance. Every time I had the opportunity to start it up, I was not in a position to take advantage of it. Fortunately, while I do live check to check at the moment, I am not in a bad situation at the moment. And hopefully, soon, I'll get word that things will get real stable and can stop the stretch. I certainly appreciate your well wishes!
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
SGT (Join to see)
8 y
You're so welcome CPL Robert Ray. Best wishes and prayers for you and your family.
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MSG Military Police
We see the overall condition of the government run medical care that is the Veterans Health Administration which covers tens of millions and yet for some reason many believe a government system will do a good job for 350 million? Who did the math on that?
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
SGT (Join to see)
8 y
MSG (Join to see), The government pencil pushers. Seriously, with millions of veterans, I don't know how they keep tabs on who is who, and where they are with their disability claims. I really can't speak foul of the VA I go to.
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Col Rebecca Lorraine
I honestly liked what he said. He tried to keep it positive with accomplishments. He didn't mention the unfinished business. The next Commander and Chief will have to make the case to the American people. We certainly have a war weary military.
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
SGT (Join to see)
8 y
Col Rebecca Lorraine, He was probably sincere. I don't trust or believe anything he says. But, I hope he was. That would speak volumes to our worn out, tired of war, veterans.
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