Posted on Aug 1, 2016
Universities, students of color embrace segregated spaces on campus - The College Fix
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
Capt Seid Waddell
Segregated spaces for me when I was college age was enlisted (E-6 & below), Senior Enlisted, and Officer berthing spaces as well as mess decks.
Segregated spaces for me when I was college age was enlisted (E-6 & below), Senior Enlisted, and Officer berthing spaces as well as mess decks.
Capt Seid Waddell
PO1 John Miller, there was a big fight to end racism when I was a student - now the left is bringing it back. Amazing stupidity, IMHO.
It's honestly disheartening because all we're doing is breeding the next generation of racism. The cycle will keep perpetuating until someone puts a stop to it. Despite having blacks in the highest positions of power in the entire Country, I had a friend tell me that we'll never be equal until we've had just as many black Presidents as we have white Presidents. I told him that would take 172-344 years (assuming no white people ever got elected again) and he said "well I guess you and me will never be equals". That kind of thought process is utter lunacy, yet there are too many people in this Country that thinks like this. Equal opportunity does not translate into equal results.
Capt Seid Waddell
Cpl Justin Goolsby, the Democrats have nurtured this black racism by means of their identity politics efforts to grab and hold political power. The result is nothing short of cultural insanity - everything is the fault of white people no matter how irresponsible the blacks (who think like your friend) may choose to act.
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