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Responses: 6
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
Damn It I rather like Target. That would suck. No it is not outside the realm of possibility. I think though that in this day and age they need us as much as we need them and because of that I suspect that cooler heads will Prevail but I suspect their will always be some Brinkmanship. Comparing Penis Sizes. As far as their Military growth and expansion just another way to spend the Money they have made in this world marketplace and especially the Money they have gotten from their sales to us.
SGT Robert George
SGT Robert George
8 y
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LTC John Wilson
Sadly this may occur, but, if it has to occur to maintain our national security or the security of our allies so be it. China has made unreasonable claims in the South China Sea and it is up to all nations, not just the U.S. to maintain the right to world trade and free navigation through these waters. Start by bringing back industrial jobs back to the U.S. and apply a penalty for any company dealing with China in the future. Build our fleet and enlarge the Marines to six divisions. This one will get nasty quick and it is he who gets there firstest with the mostest that will probably win the first battle decisively.
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MCPO Roger Collins
Do we have to pay our debts to a country we are at war with?
MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
8 y
LTC (Join to see) - I'm sure they would assist us rebuild like we did Germany and let us become a powerhouse again.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
8 y
MCPO Roger Collins - as long as we had to read Chairmans Maos book and it would be AMERIKA with a hammer and sickle.
LTC John Wilson
LTC John Wilson
8 y
No china would not extend a Marshall Plan to rebuild the U.S. if we lost a war with them. Second, they would have to take down more than just the U.S. and right now is not their time to flex to much muscle, because it could be their Achilles heel. We would fight to win and we would not lose that war. The cost would be staggering and in reality not worth it materially, but for freedom and our security yes!
MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
8 y
LTC John Wilson - Agree with all you said. My question was rhetorical and tongue in cheek
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