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Responses: 6
Cpl Mark McMiller
Edited 8 y ago
Well, when a retired general gets political and makes public statements endorsing a politician, the general is now fair game. And as far as the general endorsing "Crooked Hillary", you lay down with dogs, you get up with fleas.
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Sgt Kelli Mays
Trump raised 6 million dollars for the Military and VETS....what has Hillary done? Obama has not done much to help the Military and Hillary has not done squat....and this general will say what ever Hillary wants him to say...doesn't make what he says right...and Trump has stated all along he's all for the Military...that the Military has old and out dated equipment, especially air planes...and that he wants to help make the military stronger and better and great again....so...I don't understand the question really....cause it doesn't seem to apply...the DNC was so full of hyperbole and bullcrap...trying to paint a rosy picture that all is well and great and we have no worries..yeah, right...okay...so they need to stop smoking whatever funny stuff their smoking and come back down to reality.
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
8 y
Remember he really has no idea about military hierarchy.
LCDR Glen Palo
LCDR Glen Palo
8 y
Clintons have donated personal funds over the years to Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society and other veteran related charities according to their tax returns as well as raise funds for charities.
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Capt Michael Greene
Hard to answer, since he's never done anything for the military, never visited troops anywhere, and never did a PSA on the air, we don't know if he supports us or not. Of course, since he said: "I always felt like I was in the military. (I got) more training militarily than a lot of the guys that go into the military," it would seem he WANTS to support us. And since he said, "I know more about ISIS than the generals, we can be really sure he must have received advanced military training somewhere. Remember, dodging STDs was his "Vietnam."

Trump has said he will order the military to kill the children of terrorists and bring back torture, "and worse." So we know he supports war criminals, at least.
Sgt Kelli Mays
Sgt Kelli Mays
8 y
Capt Michael Greene he raised six million dollars for the Military vets....that's something...can you say hillary has done the same?
Capt Michael Greene
Capt Michael Greene
8 y
Sgt Kelli Mays - I can say that he didn't actually give the money to the vets organization until months later when he was shamed into it on national TV.

Hillary's military attitude is right wing: increase funding, maintain the nukes, use "vigorous" military policy in this hemisphere.
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