Posted on Jul 6, 2016
Hillary Clinton Isn’t Getting Indicted. Here’s Why.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 9
Prosecution for thee, not for me! politicians should be held accountable to the same laws as those they force on the people.

Brezler May Be Kicked Out of the Corps for Same Violation as Hillary But his reason was at least...
BrezlerMay Be Kicked Out of the Corps for Same Violation as Hillary? But his reason was at least a good one As of today’s decision by the FBI not to recommend charging Hillary Clinton, we thought it time to remind people of the difference between the Clintons and the peons inthe rest of the world.Marine …
LTC David Brown
Thank you for posting. We all need to remember honorable people have been hung out to dry for far less than what Hillary did. Hillary had multi infractions. Breezier had ONE! Hillary is a disgusting piece of dead road pizza.
She is not getting indicted because she is Hillary Clinton and Bill hooked it up with the AG. If that had been you or me, we would be up on the cross already. She is a CRIMINAL and NOTHING will ever change that, because she is what she is...SCUM.
TSgt J.L. Brown Jr
She has shown a pattern of lying from watergate, whitewater land deal, travel gate, she could not tell the truth, even if she was at the pearly gates she would lie to try to get in.
SSG Roger Ayscue
TSgt J.L. Brown Jr - Amen and Amen Sergeant. Two sets of rules for this....Clinton rules and the rest of the World.
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