Posted on Jul 5, 2016
F.B.I. Recommends No Charges Against Hillary Clinton for Use of Personal Email
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 19
Capt Seid Waddell I am appalled about this decision, which clearly demonstrates the depth of corruption in the Obama Administration, which, now, appears to have even permeated the FBI.
COL Jean (John) F. B.
TSgt Frank Shirley - To the contrary ...we were right. The Obama Administration is corrupt. This is a miscarriage of justice and proves the Administration, including the FBI, has put politics above the rule of law.
COL Jean (John) F. B.
Capt Seid Waddell - Director Comey's integrity and judgement have taken a very big, and well-deserved, hit.
COL Jean (John) F. B.
TSgt Frank Shirley - The laws Hillary Clinton broke have been extensively covered and the elements of proof were laid out by the FBI Director. For him to then not recommend an indictment both overstepped his bounds and dealt a serious blow to not only his integrity, but the integrity of the FBI and our criminal justice system in the US. At the very least, he should have referred the case to a grand jury to determine if indictments should have been issued. You, I and anybody else not in Obama's inner circle would have been indicted long ago.
FBI Director Comey is being required to testify in a Congressional Hearing to explain his decision. Clearly, he violated his oath of office and failed to enforce the law. I hope the Congress brings impeachment charges against him.
FBI Director Comey is being required to testify in a Congressional Hearing to explain his decision. Clearly, he violated his oath of office and failed to enforce the law. I hope the Congress brings impeachment charges against him.
"FBI Director James Comey announced Tuesday that despite evidence Hillary Clinton was “extremely careless” in her handling of classified emails on a private server, the bureau will not recommend to the Department of Justice that criminal charges be brought against the former secretary of state"
"extremely careless" can Hillary get past that comment?? I think Mr Comey was being kind and I would have said it was extremely stupid and dangerous to our National Security..
"extremely careless" can Hillary get past that comment?? I think Mr Comey was being kind and I would have said it was extremely stupid and dangerous to our National Security..
Sgt Tom Cunnally
TSgt Frank Shirley - I think I have often said there was no criminal intent but extreme carelessness ...Maybe you have me confused with someone else
"Improper command influence by President Obama has been effective in this case."
Or no Prosecutor would touch this case and gain the wrath of the Obama Administration. In other words nobody in the DOJ has the big ones to take on Obama IMHO
Now watch Hillary say " I told you so"
Or no Prosecutor would touch this case and gain the wrath of the Obama Administration. In other words nobody in the DOJ has the big ones to take on Obama IMHO
Now watch Hillary say " I told you so"
Capt Seid Waddell
Sgt Tom Cunnally, and listen to her supporters claim the charges were all political - in defiance of all the evidence.
Sgt Tom Cunnally
Capt Seid Waddell - Political ramifications may be tough for Hillary to get past but already her supporters are relieved and they will say again time to move on
Capt Seid Waddell
Sgt Tom Cunnally, I am already hearing that from members on this board - amazing that military personnel can be so forgiving about serious security breaches that took place over a period of years and which were then subject to determined cover-up attempts by both Hillary and now the administration from Obama down.
Sgt Kelli Mays
Sgt Tom Cunnally yeah, she told us so that she's a big liar...and the FBI practically stated this today...but she didn't INTEND on lying so it's okay. BOLOGNA!
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