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Responses: 5
CPT Kurk Harris
I love this article. We have all repeated the definition of leadership ad nauseum when prepping for boards in the Army (for all my Army peeps). What we rarely thought about was how this mentality permeated so much of what we did. As an old Infantry guy, I appreciate the embracing the suck references in the article. I recently transitioned to the civilian world and immediately landed a nice job where I don't have to embrace much suck. Currently we are in huge transition and I find myself applying this mentality to manage the uncertainty. As I was sitting in a meeting today listening to various levels of anxiety in my co-workers, I realized I had already determined what was my long term goal (purpose), devised an exit strategy if necessary (direction), and well we all know that false motivation is better than no motivation so that is covered as well. I think being able to apply these principles in our daily lives gives us the resilience to weather challenges and a framework to get ahead of our non-veteran peers when competition is called for.
SGT Jeff Decker
SGT Jeff Decker
>1 y
Thanks so much for reading CPT Harris and for the positive feedback!!
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PO2 Mike Vignapiano
It's hard to keep & maintain all 3 when you first get out & get a job. I got out after 12yrs & had to explain to those with the degrees that I can handle ANY situation. They seem to forget most military personnel see & do more in 3-4 years than those in the so-called real world have seen, done or accomplished after 20+.
SGT Jeff Decker
SGT Jeff Decker
>1 y
Well said (written)!
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Capt Daniel Goodman
Not that its not a good article of course.
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