Posted on Jun 27, 2016
Supreme Court upholds reach of US gun ban for domestic violence | Fox News
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 8
Banning domestic abusers from purchasing or owning firearms seems so reasonable at first blush, but is it? Really? Not so much if you think about mindset of the abuser. Domestic abuse is a crime of passion, horribly twisted passion. A knife, a hammer, a chair, a fist, any weapon will do. And if a firearm is desired, one will be procured illegally. Thus, banning gun sales to convicted domestic abusers seems a futile effort, doesn't it? But it makes those who wish to do something, to salve their good intentions, to appear self-righteous in the face of the evil that is guns, it will make them feel good even it they accomplish nothing. How much better would it be if we attacked domestic abuse rather than the gun? Sadly, who has any passion left for that effort after we've shot our wad on the great gun control debate?
MSgt Michael Bischoff
SFC Matthew Mason - so most everyone on this list has been denied due process according to your Louis

The 12 Reasons Why Americans Fail Gun Background Checks
More than 1 million people have failed federal background checks since 1998. Here's why.
MSgt Michael Bischoff
SPC Charles Smith - Exception are made to the constitution all the time. Example: 1st Amendment free speach,

Threats of Violence Against Individuals
Justia Free Database of the US Constitution annotated with cases decided by the United States Supreme Court
Capt Jeff S.
Free speech comes with an inherent responsibility to use it for the right purpose and not to misuse it in order to deceive. Yelling "Fire!" in a crowded theater is not covered under free speech. But according to the current crop of geniuses we have elected, lying is covered under free speech. I have a problem with that interpretation, and I have a problem with government officials that lie under oath. That's forbidden under the UCMJ but our politicians aren't held to that standard? ???
Hillary Clinton, who isn't even held to any standard of conduct, wants to take away our 2nd Amendment rights. I don't understand how our failed Sec of State can destroy evidence, lie to investigators, and still be eligible to run for President. And SOME of you will vote for her... SMH. I thought the only people that would vote for her are people without a pulse!
Liberals hhhate free speech. They like it so long as the free speech benefits their agenda but they want to silence everyone that disagrees with them. In California, Democrats wanted to make it illegal to criticize Climate Change. WTFO?
Hillary Clinton, who isn't even held to any standard of conduct, wants to take away our 2nd Amendment rights. I don't understand how our failed Sec of State can destroy evidence, lie to investigators, and still be eligible to run for President. And SOME of you will vote for her... SMH. I thought the only people that would vote for her are people without a pulse!
Liberals hhhate free speech. They like it so long as the free speech benefits their agenda but they want to silence everyone that disagrees with them. In California, Democrats wanted to make it illegal to criticize Climate Change. WTFO?

Landmark California bill would allow prosecution of climate-change skeptics
A landmark California bill gaining steam would make it illegal to engage in climate-change dissent, clearing the way for lawsuits against fossil-fuel companies, think-tanks and others that have “deceived or misled the public on the risks of climate change.”
Capt Jeff S.
MSgt Michael Bischoff - The laws defining domestic abuse are ridiculously broad... and some definitions of abuse are downright absurd. Convicted felons give up their right to vote. So would you let a woman get away with stating "My husband is a Marine and he has guns. I just don't feel safe." Note that there was nothing mentioned about the husband being violent, abusive, etc. A person can be a control freak, a screamer, etc. and without any physical contact or threat of violence be charged with domestic violence. I think our perpetually offended politically correct society has gone too far and what was once intended to be help victims can be manipulated by liars alleging to be victims when in fact they are manipulating the legal system to exact retribution on others. Baaad baad juju!
Domestic abuse is a crime. Criminals get rights taken away. Gun ownership is a right. The math ads up to me. My wife was a domestic abuse victim from her POS ex husband. Talking away a few liberties is to good for them.
SGT (Join to see)
MAJ Carl Ballinger - well, i do see your point sir, and i freely admit my own bias. If i could have found the man that beat my wife i would probably end up with some charges of my own. He died in a high speed chase with the cops though
PFC Amthony Murray
MISDEMEANOR. An argument can be a DV. I guess you and your wife has best not argue.
SGT (Join to see)
PFC Amthony Murray - heh, well i am proud of her to say that she's become one strong willed woman.
Sounds reasonable to me, if it requires a conviction to trigger it. If felons can be barred from owning firearms, those convicted of domestic abuse should certainly be in the same category. Domestic abusers are just as likely (if not more likely) to continue their abuse and even to escalate it to murder.
PFC Amthony Murray
Misdemeanor? How about if you get a speeding ticket they take away your license permanently. That is the equivalent.
You are seeing DV as the beatings, etc. That is what they push. An argument is also considered DV according to Lautenberg. Have you ever argued with your wife? Then you should not possess a firearm by your own admission.
You are seeing DV as the beatings, etc. That is what they push. An argument is also considered DV according to Lautenberg. Have you ever argued with your wife? Then you should not possess a firearm by your own admission.
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