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Responses: 4
MCPO Roger Collins
Strange comment, have you looked at the demographics of the majority of the women getting abortions?
TSgt Cyber Systems Operations
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MCPO Roger Collins - that is STILL not a complete sentence.

Anyway according to this report from the CDC filed in 2012 (the latest I could find)
"non-Hispanic white women and non-Hispanic black women accounted for the largest percentages of abortions (37.6% and 36.7%, respectively), and Hispanic women and non-Hispanic women in the other race category accounted for smaller percentages (18.7% and 7.0%, respectively). Non-Hispanic white women had the lowest abortion rate (7.7 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15–44 years) and ratio (127 abortions per 1,000 live births), and non-Hispanic black women had the highest abortion rate (27.8 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15–44 years) and ratio (435 abortions per 1,000 live births). Data for 2012 are also reported separately by race (Table 13) and by ethnicity"

Would you mind citing your source?

MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
>1 y
MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
>1 y
Keeps the abortion parts companies rolling, good for the economy. Black and brown lives matter, unless the decision is made to terminate them through the process of abortion, then they don't matter so much any more.
TSgt Cyber Systems Operations
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MCPO Roger Collins - I have to throw a flag on the article you cited. Its a noted conservative news site, and they chose to use a cross section of the CDC's report (10 states) that suited their agenda. Mine, while from 2012, was directly from the CDC and covered all 50
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SFC Opsnco
I wonder how people would react to learning that NASA (or any other legitimate international space exploration organization) has found a single living cell on another planet. I bet, people would storm the streets and fill the headlines exclaiming "We found life on another planet! We are not alone!" But, here on earth, a single living cell growing inside of another living mass of cells is not a life.

*** Mind blown! ***

"I've noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born." - Ronald Reagan
TSgt Cyber Systems Operations
TSgt (Join to see)
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SFC (Join to see) Cancer cells are also living cells growing inside another living mass, but I assume you have have no issues killing them, right
SFC Opsnco
SFC (Join to see)
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In very few instances is a child (fetus, zygote, mass of cells, whatever you may feel like calling it) killing the host. Additionally, when this is the case it is commonly brought on by the mother's preexisting medical condition. Since you seem apt at finding statistics... I wonder what the statistics are for abortions performed to save the mother's life vs. just to get rid of an unwanted pregnancy. Additionally, I wonder what the statistics are for killing cancer cells that are trying to kill you vs. killing cancer cells that are benign. I think both those numbers would be heavily skewed to one side. Oh, and when you do pull up the statistics please do so from multiple sources and not just from the left. Use impartial, peer reviewed, statistical based sources. To answer your question "yes" I would kill a cancer cell if it was trying to kill me. But, since not all cancer cells are trying to kill me, I wouldn't kill cancer cells that are benign. Why undergo a surgical procedure if there is no medical need? Personally, I wouldn't, would you?

The question at the root of the pro-life/pro-choice issue is what defines "life?" Is it the moment of conception? The moment the heartbeat is heard? When the brain forms? When the baby comes out and takes it's first breath? When does life begin? The left is quick to justify that an abortion is not killing anyone because the cells are not alive until an actual birth has taken place. While the right is quick to point out that life begins at conception. We can argue this until we are blue in the face but in the end I will not change my opinion and you most likely will not change yours. The issue at hand in the court ruling is, at it's core, more about ease of access rather than anything else. Until the court defines "life" cases like this will continue to bog down the system. Honestly, I don't think the court will ever define "life."
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PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
Outstanding! Common Sense displayed by the Court. A Zygote is not a child it is not a baby, a fetus is not a child it is not a baby. If you have a problem with it fine, Keep your Religion Separate from my Government.
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