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Responses: 10
CPT Jack Durish
The Constitution of the United States is based on the assumption that people are capable of governing themselves. That they are sovereign. Shariah Law is a direct contradiction to this assumption. It is based on the belief that people are incapable of governing themselves, that every one must submit to the carefully regulated behaviors proscribed in the Koran and transmitted to them by their prophet and religious leaders. The two are fundamentally incompatible. Those Muslim-Americans who thrive in America and by whose contributions, America thrives, are apostates. Thus, I don't believe that Trump has proposed excluding all Muslims, only those who refuse to accept the Constitution and self-govern. I am also in agreement that we should temporarily ban any more immigration by Muslims until we can distinguish them. The incidents in Orlando and other places is a grim reminder of the harm that can be caused by just one radical.
CPT Pedro Meza
CPT Pedro Meza
8 y
PO3 Donald Murphy - I have two Qurans, three bibles, one Buddhist book, two Latzu and some Native American books, I claim no religion but respect all and visit any house of worship I am invited too. By the same token I also point out to those followers that if they claim a religion then they must follow the foundations of that religion otherwise they do wrong by only following a message that was added on after the foundations, therefore I will say Infidel or Anti-Christ. Your question about Muslims do not stand up is applicable to the Christians that did not stand up until one Martin Luther stood up, which means human nature rules and the religious leaders know that. As for Syrian refugees we see here in the US that idiots that claim to be Christians are the first to refuse shelter them under the excuse of that there maybe a terrorist among them, which goes against the teaching of the Jewish Man called Jesus. Which brings me to another point all Christians await the second coming of Christ, but he better not come from a Muslim country; Anti-Christians. Now once Ramadan ends I plan to take some Pollo Loco next door to my neighbor. Religion is about the individual soul and not about controlling the other, but too (crazies) many use is as a weapon/tool.
CPT Pedro Meza
CPT Pedro Meza
8 y
PO3 Donald Murphy - The issue with religion to include Islam that we do not call out the bad leaders which is applicable also to Christians and how they defended pedophile priest and other religious leaders. When we fail to call them out we empower them. We are our Brother's Keeper.
PO3 Donald Murphy
PO3 Donald Murphy
8 y
CPT Pedro Meza - Some interesting thoughts. This is where the Koran comes in as having been unchanged. There is no "King James" version of the Koran. It is, as it was written. And as to the Martin Luther quotient, there has to be - at the heart - a desire to change. If the readers do not wish to change, then its wrong of us to demand that they do. For example, why was there an "Arab spring" in Egypt and Libya only? How come not in Saudi Arabia? Or Kuwait? Or Yemen? Therein lies the problem. The people in other areas felt that their status quo - their belief system - was "good/fine/OK." Yes, you point out several changes to Christianity and again, there was a desire to change. Islam has not had that. And the few large areas that have experienced a change in their Islamic makeup (Lebanon) have gone into a Northern Island style existence, haven't they?

This is - in a way - kind of a standing ovation for Islam in that, not only has it resisted change for so long, but the introduction of electronic media on a widespread scale has not caused any of its followers to feel that they need to be doing anything different either. Even in my neighborhood where half of the college kids are from the Middle East, all have internet, wifi, etc and 24 hour access to all that America electronically has to offer, yet few choose to stay in the USA. Most all will return to their home nation following their degree. This is both something to admire - and - something to fear which is why so many nations, irrespective of Judeo-Christian background, have limited Muslim presence within their borders. And while you are correct in casting the first stone that Jesus himself commands succor for the homeless, we have a separation of church and state. So the USA as a government is within its rights to do what it must do for national security.
CPT Pedro Meza
CPT Pedro Meza
8 y
PO3 Donald Murphy - You are failing to see human nature, that always avoids change, because the status quo resist change, and that status quo also includes the so called Christians that benefit from the conflicts; "Divide and Conquer". Why is it that all Christians are quick to label a Muslim as a Muslims terrorist and not as a A man that claims to be Muslim but is not. Any time to agree with a nut then the nut is right because the rest legitimized his false ideas. Religion is man made and it is a power to be used against the rest. Jesus was a Jewish Man that taught a simple message of peace, love and cooperation, if he was here doing that the same teachings, Christians that claim Him would have Him arrested and locked up for undermining their control.
So what is stopping your from being Martin Luther?
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CPT Pedro Meza
Edited 8 y ago
Interesting report, more so when we see that within the Christian religion there is strong opposition to women having the right to decide their reproductive health, which is law (Sharia Law) here in the USA, as well as the strong push for prayers in public school, etc. That is why our Founding Fathers established a secular nation, All this comes down to human nature and how men use religion to justify what they do and how to get away with it by saying it comes from God and you can not question the holy book; applicable to all holy books. Which is a contradiction to Free Will, because religious leaders demand that you give up your God given Free Will and accept what they tell you. Personally I prefer Reverend Garaldine Jones (Flip Wilson) "The Devil Made me Do It!"
CPT Pedro Meza
CPT Pedro Meza
8 y
CPT Jack Durish - A father of an unborn child has the right to voice, but it is still the woman that carries the unborn that needs to make the full decision. Interesting assumption "As to eugenics: When you look at the percentage of black babies being aborted in Planned Parenthood clinics as opposed to babies of other races, it isn't hard to imagine the original intent of the founders being played out today," I thought that it was a reflection of the poor education, poor access to birth control (health care), funny how it is mostly white folks that complain about sex education and religious liberty to oppose sex education to others kids.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
8 y
CPT Pedro Meza - What I find funny is that some say "mostly" when they have no basis for their assertion. Personally, I have no clue what as to how the population splits in the issue. I generally follow the rule of thirds: One third for, one third against, and one third not only don't have an opinion one way or the other or would just as soon avoid the whole argument. It seems to work out that way historically.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
8 y
CPT Pedro Meza - Always a pleasure
CPT Pedro Meza
CPT Pedro Meza
8 y
CPT Jack Durish - I follow the rule of "Who is on First" as we saw that Texas passed an idiot law that they knew would Ultimately fail, when women were on first since Rowe vs Wade, then the Umpire (Supreme Court) stepped in and settled the issue. Texas legislature playing to their votes and funds, now they can say we tried; Human Nature is predictable.
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CPO Frank Coluccio
After reading some of the responses here I can see that there is a very pronounced lack of knowledge of the Qur'an and Sharia Law.
Hopefully you can see this video. It's 7:21 minutes long, but is pretty informative and pretty much mirrors what I have learned about both.
(PS - I would have placed this as a response in some posts, but alas, those people have blocked me out fear of a decent argument.)
https://www.facebook.com/LifeForgotTheLube/videos/ [login to see] 84013/
PO3 Donald Murphy
PO3 Donald Murphy
8 y
And of course you all know that Muslims are allowed to lie to you, right? Google it. Its called "Kithman." Now...go back and watch your video again...........
CPO Frank Coluccio
CPO Frank Coluccio
8 y
CPO Frank Coluccio
CPO Frank Coluccio
8 y
PO3 Donald Murphy - Ah...Thank you, didn't know of "Kithman"
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