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Responses: 2
LTC Yinon Weiss
There's nothing wrong with taking pictures or with posting them on social media. I think it's the threatening to kill other people that's really the problem here, isn't it?
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SSG Pete Fleming
Social media has gotten more people in trouble... is it worth it?
SGM Erik Marquez
SGM Erik Marquez
>1 y
SSG Pete Fleming is it worth it?

Absolutely worth it, done with some common sense..
But let's face it, the two tools are idiots whether it was done on social media or in front of a group at the barracks, at the squad room at work.
SSG Pete Fleming
SSG Pete Fleming
>1 y
SGM Erik Marquez - Oh, I believe in personal responsibility. But there are so many of these, this dumb criminal posted something, the boyfriend was caught cheating on social media, criminals using social media, terrorist recruiting on social media, hiring managers checking your social media accounts to see if your views fit their 'culture', the list goes on... RallyPoint and LinkedIn aren't about shopping or look at me (as much). But Facebook is all about attention and showing off to the world, and people get themselves in more trouble...
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