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Responses: 3
MAJ Ken Landgren
Edited 5 y ago
I have always wanted the US to have a national database for those who are displaced by large emergencies.
A website for those displaced to register their location.
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SFC Ralph E Kelley
Edited 5 y ago
I have 11 photo ID cards for various County, State and Federal governmental organizations.
That's okay as each wants their own card to limit access to their facilities and services.
The others are for non-governmental organizations with similar concerns - that's okay too.
I'm keeping the Photo ID Card machine companies in business.
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Lt Col Jim Coe
Most adults and many children in the US already have a National Identity Card, but it's low tech (paper). It's called a Social Security Number Card. I think a United States of America Identity Card (USID) would be a good idea. It would need to be phased in over something like 5 years. With the right technology on the card it could replace your SSN card and Medicare card. It would simplify producing ID for many things, such as medical care, boarding a domestic airline flight, or buying a gun. States could choose to use it to handle linceses such as hunting or driving. Making it tamper-proof will be required. Color coding could be used to identify children, adults of certain ages (18, 21, 65), people with medical alerts, etc.
Maj Kim Patterson
Maj Kim Patterson
5 y
Lt Col Jim Coe that’s an idea
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