Posted on Jun 13, 2016
Orlando Police Credit Kevlar Helmet with Saving Officer's Life
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 6
Unbelievable! These random terrorist attacks has got to stop. This is getting way out of hand and it's time to get these ISIS bastards before they kill and wound any one else! FEA!
SGT (Join to see)
Sgt David G Duchesneau, David, today the LGBT community spokes person, in Orlando, told the press he didn't want any weapons confiscated or kept from being purchased. He said if that happened there wouldn't be anyway for anyone to protect themselves. That really impressed me. If this massacre in the name of ISIS, doesn't cause us to bomb the shit out ISIS, I don't know what will. I wrote yesterday, attemting to have no collateral damage in the bombings in the known ISIS territories, is impossible. The innocent ones know there is bombing going on, unless they are ISIS sympathizers, they need to get the hell out of Dodge. Any war, skirmish, police action, whatever the hell you want to call it, is dirty. There is no such thing as a clean war, unless you don't want to win.
SGT Eric Flores
I agree with you. However, this is a very frustrating matter. The problem here is the sleepers like that guy. I feel that we need to do more, and then I feel that we are not doing enough. We need to create consciousness. We need a local PSYOP's campaigns and create awareness and open the minds of our society to be on the lookout for the zombies that are out there waiting for some trigger to go on the attack.
SGT (Join to see)
SGT Eric Flores, I understand and agree with you. But, unfortunately, like many of these mass shootings, and 9-11, as time rolls on, these tragedies aren't completely forgotten, but they aren't the first thing we think about when we wake up. These are so common in the Middle East, I'm sure they ARE thought about the first thing in the morning. In that it is probably going to happen again, today. But if you notice on the news, even with that constant threat hanging over them, they go about their daily tasks, the kids are playing, and the streets are lined with shoppers. I think that's the way our brain is built to help block out all of these tragedies, to allow us to keep moving on and progressing daily. How many times, during the day, have you thought about the other mass shootings that have happened? After several weeks or months, I don't think about them anymore. That is, until the next time. That's the way we're built. IMHO
He's a lucky man. Good gear.
I always hated wearing the things too but when rounds are flying or explosives are thumping...they're worth their weight.
I always hated wearing the things too but when rounds are flying or explosives are thumping...they're worth their weight.
SGT (Join to see)
He'll be talking about that to his grandchildren. I wonder if he will get to keep it? Great conversation piece.
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