Posted on Jun 8, 2016
San Francisco’s Proposed Blue Angel Ban Is Distasteful
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 6
Chip had it right but I think Mr. Avalos was pissin into the wind on this one. Spitting is way to PC.
He must be running for reelection and wants all of his fear mongering groupie "Chicken Littles" who think the sky is falling to fall in step behind his rainbow flag!
It is to bad that he didn't recognize instead the life that was lost, the Hero that was killed, when this pilot chose to fly his jet as far from the populated area he was practicing over to avoid any civilian casualties on the ground. This whole tragic incident reminds me all to well of the Robert Duvall movie, "The Great Santini"
He must be running for reelection and wants all of his fear mongering groupie "Chicken Littles" who think the sky is falling to fall in step behind his rainbow flag!
It is to bad that he didn't recognize instead the life that was lost, the Hero that was killed, when this pilot chose to fly his jet as far from the populated area he was practicing over to avoid any civilian casualties on the ground. This whole tragic incident reminds me all to well of the Robert Duvall movie, "The Great Santini"
Mr. Avalos is screaming from the left folks and if no one is there to hear him is he actually making a sound!
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