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Responses: 43
COL Jean (John) F. B.
SPC Andrew Griffin It would be hard to make a bigger mistake than the past 7+ years have been. The only way I see that a bigger mistake could be made would be to elect Mrs. Bill Clinton as President. That would simply be a continuation of the national nightmare the Obama Administration has been.
COL Jean (John) F. B.
COL Jean (John) F. B.
8 y
Cpl Glynis Sakowicz - Very well said...
Cpl Glynis Sakowicz
Cpl Glynis Sakowicz
8 y
SGT Efaw (Mick) G. - I appreciate your explanation, and yes, I understand why you think the way you do... and unlike so much of the world, we can agree to disagree without screaming or name-calling, and I do appreciate that!
Not sure of your age, but I get the sense that you are younger than I am, which, considering my age, is probably a safe bet, so I remember things in a little different light. The Housing market was booming, and then Clinton stepped in. His view of giving everyone the chance to own a home was wonderful, but a lot of people bought into a market that they couldn't afford. End result were millions of bad loans, and a Nuclear explosion of sorts in the economy. I too, believe that everyone should have the opportunity to own a home, but even I know, there are just some people who can't manage that, for one reason or another.
As a person of multiple races, I've got cousins of all colors and one thing we've talked about almost constantly for the last several years, is how it seems that race relations now are so.... raw. Our family get-together are more like a UN meeting at times with Black, White, Native American, and the stray southern Babtist, Japanese Wife, and Rabbi mixed in. SGT Efaw, there is not a group in this country who wants the racial divides to fall, more than we do, so no matter who wins, I will be hopeful, just as I was when Pres Obama took office.
COL Jean (John) F. B.
COL Jean (John) F. B.
8 y
SGT Efaw (Mick) G. - The only reason you "see" the economy and job market in "infinitely better shape" is because of BS political spin of the corrupt Obama Administration. The troops were withdrawn with no forethought of the consequences and that birthed ISIS, which is a greater threat to our country and citizens today than the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. ObamaCare is a disaster. While I agree some have insurance that did not have it before, at what cost? Everybody who already had insurance saw their premiums dramatically increase and, in many cases, for far less coverage or coverage they did not want (like mandatory mammogram and pap smear coverage for single males). The "oversight of police" is actually a war on police launched by race-bsiters and idiots like the BLM movement, fully supported and enabled by Obama and his racist cronies. Race relations in this country are the worst they have been in decades, thanks to Obama. Obama's personal immorality has used the LGBT agenda down our throats (no pun intended) and make the gay lifestyle trump others' rights. It is straights who are discriminated against, not gays. Yes, he is taking action on immigration - he has opened our borders to uncontrolled illegal immigration and is doing nothing to uphold the law. He has violated his oath of office and overstepped his Constirutional authority by issuing illegal Executive Orders concerning immigration. And, as pointed out by Cpl Glynis Sakowicz , the catalyst for the collapse of the housing market and the disasterous impact on our economy was caused by Mrs. Bill Clinton's husband, not George Bush ...
It just appears that you refuse to see or acknowledge what any clear-thinking person clearly sees.
COL Jean (John) F. B.
COL Jean (John) F. B.
8 y
SGT Efaw (Mick) G. - You hardly support your assertion that you don't "see things throgh the blame lens" when you start your lengthy dissertation citing the "Bush freefall".

While you make some good points, they are, for the most part, simply opinions based on your biases, as are mine. The glaring exception is your take on the economy. Yes, I am aware that some of the economic indicators have improved, but a close look at them can certainly make one discern that Obama's policies had little to do with it. However, for the most part, the "good news" from the Administration is simply smoke and mirrors. There are a greater number of people unemployed today than ever in the history of our country... 93,000,000. There are more people on food stamps and welfare today than ever in our country. The actual employment rate is double what the Administration puts out and does not count those who are underemployed, have gone from full-time to part-time work and those who have stopped looking for work altogether. Like I said, all spin and smoke and mirrors.

Everything else you discuss is your opinion and, obviously, nothing I can say will change it, so I won't waste my time. I have already given you my opinion and, like you, I will not change, either. You are certainly entitled to your opinion, no matter how wrong it may be, as I am to mine, which I admit, could be flawed, as well. The difference, I guess, is that I don't buy the BS coming out of the current Administration, which is the most inept, corrupt, racist, divisive, immoral, and anti-Christian our country has ever seen.
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SSgt Charles Freeman
I didn't join the military to get rich, but after 7 years of being treated like shit by an administration that would rather I did not exist, I will take my chances with Trump.
SSgt Charles Freeman
SSgt Charles Freeman
>1 y
Maj Rob Drury - I think if there could be a worse than as bad as it could get that might be her.......lol
SPC Andrew Griffin
SPC Andrew Griffin
>1 y
SPC Andrew Griffin
SPC Andrew Griffin
>1 y
SPC Andrew Griffin
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SGT Joshua Strup
True, but no worse than a Hillary presidency. No veteran should even consider casting a vote for the Butcher of Benghazi.
SPC Andrew Griffin
SPC Andrew Griffin
>1 y
I'm voting for Hillary!
SGT Joshua Strup
SGT Joshua Strup
>1 y
I'm still rooting for the FBI.
SPC Andrew Griffin
SPC Andrew Griffin
>1 y
SGT Joshua Strup - NOOOOOO!!!! LOL!!!!
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