Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 9
You I get funny looks when I talk about my F4-E being sent to depot and coming back a F4-G back in 1978. Also when those 'new' smart bombs in Desert Storm were dropped, those too hung on my plane.
Just the other day at lunch with a buddy we ran into an old guy who was a Thud Wild Weasel pilot. He told us some pretty crazy stories. These guys most definitely were some seriously brave and a little nutty bunch. As a side note, I was fortunate enough to attend the retirement of the last Phantom Wild Weasel.
SSgt Trevor Smith
SSgt Phil Sigman - Hey, that's the exact one I speak of in fact. My dad was Army Guard at Gowen and took me to see the going away.
SSgt Phil Sigman
I bought the T-shirt but I don't know where it is now. Wouldn't now fit anyway, lol.
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