Posted on May 26, 2016
Trump Hits 'Magic Number' of Delegates Required for Nomination
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 3
Trump reaches magic number to clinch nomination, Lamb breaks seals, sky turns dark and oceans turn to blood... I'm kidding relax.
MSgt Michelle Mondia
And you make us all look ridiculous by using a word like "retarded". It's an IQ test for sure...

Suspended Profile
Seems to me someone’s having a bad day lol. I really don’t care what the rest of the world thinks, they are a huge part of the problem, with their lackadaisical the USA will take care of it attitudes. People can talk all trash they want to about the USA but, at the end of the day they’re all just a bunch of weak, corrupt, socialist, communists sympathizers that have always bleed the USA dry for their security because of their own inability to defend themselves, they just call on the good ole USA to save their asses. I think I know but I’m not 100% sure where you were going with that hit job on the USA and our IQ test unless your concerned Biden would be re-elected then in that case I’d agree with you assertion. I can’t wait to see the long sad faces come 8 November 2024 lol. Again as far as your concern about how the rest of the world views the USA I really don’t care but I can assure you they’re all praying for Trump. They/we have seen the Shitz Show the Biden administration has been running but hey, they don’t have a higher, more ethical moral ground to stand on. Again,,if you’re concerned that Biden will win I’m right there with the rest of the world, and we are all screwed so bump what the rest of the world thinks or is saying.
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