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Responses: 5
CPT Jack Durish
Rather than debate the point, allow me to offer one suggestion: Watch American Grit. Watch Noah Galloway coach his team. Make sure you go back and view the whole series. Then go back and watch his appearances on Dancing With The Stars (they have a nice short presentation about his life and experiences in the Army). This is a man well on his way to greatness. Study him. I can't think of a better way to learn
SGT Michael Thorin
SGT Michael Thorin
>1 y
A brief comment with tons of truth and wisdom.
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PO3 Brian Drey
I will have to argue this one goals and dreams are great however they will not help a vet that is strugling. Yes you always should be reaching for that next great thing in your life. That doesnt always mean more toys and or a bigger house. It may be more time helping the homeless, the church, or may I suggest at the nearest VA hospital the system is so broke its not even close to being funny. Listen no mater what your goals are you never will be happy or find happiness looking within yourself findinding a higher power and living for that higher power is the only way to live. We have to start living in faith not fear this is the only way. No im not saying get religouse! Religion is for people afraid to go to hell spirituality is for people that have been to hell and never want to go back. Every human wants the same thing that is to know there life matters and that life will be fine this is where I believe in let go and let God works (quick note read the book Purpose Driven Life). So first how do we get everyone to believe that their life matters. Well you have tell them three things one is that your proud of them, second is that you believe in them, third is that if no one else does they need to know they are loved. Military personal work insane hours like 6 on 6 off no weekends no holidays, or sleep in holes that they dug in the sand or enjoy there MRE for the 90th day. What im saying when you get into the real world and you see a tone of people who have no clue what our men and woman do for their country. You feal like you loose like a million manhood or womanhood points and you stop carrying yourself a certain way in order to fit better into a society that wouldnt exist without the freedom we provided. Along with that some kid that went to college for four years while you served your country and now you are working for him and going to school at night to try and move up in this world. The answer is so easy for getting that message of hope to our vets on daily basses. I have been jumping up and down yelling the answer to anyone that would listen. You use technology I developed a app to stop this shamefull outbreak of veteran's commiting suicide that dont believe in themselves any longer. Believe me 22 a day is bull the vet that dies of a drug overdose or a car accident because they drank to much are suicides also the just didnt use a gun but believe me the feelings are the same I served my country but now my life doesnt matter This brings tears to my eyes right now and it eats me up so much inside that I almost fall back into that dark hole again. Listen we discharge our vet's but we need to keep them connected we have to thank them every day for what they have done for this country. In a easy quick way. I know this may not make since to some peole but im telling you i been there I know what needs to happen to save our vets. You discharge them and you give them a one phone and a app train them how tonuse the app you can see what this app does at liv42day.com and go to the because I matter app and check it out. Look at the addiction recovery app its a pdf when you click on the app. The vet pdf needs to be updated. What it does is gives a person take the president for instance admin control so he would be able to send each every person serving or who has served there country, a preyer of the day, a motivational slogan, anything in picture form then you can write on this picture like thank you and I want you to know your loved in this world, and then you record a voice behind that picture. It easy takes two minutes at the most. Can you imagine everyday the military sends something and tells all oir vets how proud we are of them. Thats how you keep people alive you tell them they mean everything to this country. Then the best part is every app has a push button notification system each vet before starting there daily motivation 15 slide show. Will lat us know how their days going either a good days and or tough days. We can track how many days do they have these days before they commit suicide we need to have system that monitors our men and woman feelings and what there needs are on a daily basses for the rest of their lives. This is easy to maintain and this shows that we will always care for them do something didferent. I even have a push button that calls the suicide hot line forr them. This is not just a stupid app this is a daiy interaction that alows us to know how our vets are feeling and where to spend our money to imorove our vets lives. I know was a long winded answer and it wasnt my plan at fisrst to get into the app but right now there is a vet aboiut to kill them selves and I know with all my heart all need was to hear theis life maters and always will. Why try something new when we can just be happy the 22 a day isnt going up isnt that said never leave a man in field yet we do it everyday.
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CW5 Desk Officer
Good point, SGT Jeff Decker. Goals are extremely important. So is perseverance or grit. There's no substitute for perseverance. Without it, all the goals in the world don't mean much. You gotta go after those goals and keep going after them until you succeed. Persevere!! Show some gumption!!
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