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Responses: 10
1SG Cameron M. Wesson
It won't... sane minds will prevail.

I know it may come as a surprise and shock a few people; however, the Army (probably the other services also) lose records.

Before I get burned in effigy and shouted down as a heretic for such slanderous remarks, I have proof.

In 2005 when I retired fro the Army... with digital records and tracking... two of my awards had not been properly captured in my OMPF. While I had records of the awards.... HRC did not. I had to provide so they would have the correct story for my DD214. After I retired I was awarded a few awards retroactively... even received them from HQDA... did they get into my record? NO! I had to submit for a correction of my DD214 (actually a DD215)... and it took twice on one occasion.

Let's be clear... I know the system.

Now lets roll back to the 60s and 70s... I can easily see that some awards didn't make into a soldiers OMPF. Additionally, there was not as much emphasis in "holding on to stuff" as the Big Army might lose it... as was later.

With that said, I hope the masses give SGM Plumley, rest his soul, the benefit of the doubt and simply accept the fact that the BIG ARMY probably lost the freaking record.

My 2 cents
MAJ Rene De La Rosa
MAJ Rene De La Rosa
>1 y
A real succinct explanation. Thanks.
SFC James Welch
SFC James Welch
>1 y
Having spent a large part of my Career in the Personnel Management Field first as a 71H, later as a 75Z, I can tell you that many records were screwed up on purpose by Personnel Clerks who were Draftees. Now before you go into a tizzy I was also drafted, got out two months and came back in. I can’t tell you how many times I found mistakes on the Form 20’s and how many award orders I rescued from the trash can. This is especially true of the 201 and 202 files of Officers and “ Lifers” E-6 and above. It got to the point I even sent orders to DA myself to see that they got there. I reviewed all Senior NCO Records under my care with them to assure they had everything prior to Promotion Boards. I was astounded at the amount of mistakes I found. I was just one person. Clerks often bragged about getting even with someone. I did all I could but it was a major problem in the 60’s and 70’s.
SSG Paul Headlee
SSG Paul Headlee
>1 y
I can definitely see that happening.
CPL Rodney Trotter
CPL Rodney Trotter
4 y
SSG Paul Headlee - I got out of the Army Reserves and my entire record from the Reserve unit is as F***ed up as a football bat. One page of my records give my rank as the correct rank of Corporal, another page calls me Specialist, and a 3rd page I'm even a freaking PV2. Then there is a full year of my time missing when I was deployed over to Afghanistan and Iraq that is just not there in my records at all. And I got out in freaking 2008! And my records look like that when my unit started going from paper to digital records.

My Marine Corps Service Records are half missing as well and my medical records were totally lost, after they'd already been lost when I was still in the damn Corps in the 90s. The record keeping departments had to honestly be the worst ran outfits in the Military if they lose so many damn records. And hearing from other Vets at the VA hospitals, nearly 80% of those Vets had some sort of records missing as well.
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LTC Thomas Tennant
Some people have no sense of decency and the rest of us have to pound it into them. We need to let this hero rest in peace.
MSgt Team Chief
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CSM Infantryman
CSM Plumley never touted his awards period
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