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Responses: 25
SGT Laura Delgadillo
I'm in this unit, leadership is pretty decent and quick to issue out UCMJ. I didn't hear about it at work, but I'm confident the company and battalion are taking care of it properly.
That being said, how in the world can you be so stupid to not realize you have a live round in your weapon?
SGT Laura Delgadillo
SGT Laura Delgadillo
>1 y
yeah, pretty damn ridiculous seeing as how first part of BRM in basic is done with Blanks.
MSgt J D McKee
MSgt J D McKee
>1 y
Someone down this chain mentioned issuing by mags instead of rounds. If it was loaded by someone else, maybe that is why no discipline? Could have been a disgruntled magazine loader just put some live ones in to screw things up. Better an Apache and no lives lost than a close range firefight and bodies....
PO3 Chris Scheide
PO3 Chris Scheide
>1 y
Aren't blank adapters sort of bulky and painted orange? Seems like it would be hard to miss on the end of your barrel.
SSgt GG-15 RET Jim Lint
SSgt GG-15 RET Jim Lint
>1 y
PO3 Chris Scheide - Actually, if they were firing blanks, they would have BFAs? So if boy wonder fired a round in a rifle with a Blank firing adapter he should have been more hurt than the Helo. I wonder what the barrel looks like?
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SPC Kenneth Koerperich
I'd like to know how SM didn't know the diff between blanks/live ammo. Next, HTF did he shoot live if he was supposed to be using blanks? Wpn should have had a blank adapter on it. It would have blown his face off....I think he did like a guy in our unit did. He took live rounds off the live fire line, hid them, then loaded them up later on & threatened to kill the CPT & LT's. Guess who got Psych'd out of the Service?

Total CF here. Somebodies head should be rolling. In my day would have been the whole chain of command, CPT down....A few would have gotten walking papers too.

Crazy what the Army has come to trying to be so PC instead of just doing the damn job correctly.
SSG Infantryman
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
Easy. He probably was given pre loaded mags because his COC micro managed and didnt trust yhe soldiers to load their own mags. In said mags there was probably live rounds in the bottom 10ish rounds with blanks on top. He was most likely on auto and when the round hit the BFA it just shot it off like it is designed to do. Stop trying to cruicify the guy. The army is great about fucking Joe over. If they found him innocent its probably. Because he is actually innocent
SSG Javier Antonsanti
SSG Javier Antonsanti
>1 y
It happens a lot more then you think, about 8 years ago, a SFC had live ammo after we transitioned to blanks, and he was a very experienced NCO. When he fired his weapon it blew the BFA clear off the muzzle.
SGT William Howell
SGT William Howell
>1 y
Maybe we need to have a post just about live rounds with BFAs? I thought the one I saw was rare, but it seems to happen more than we think. While that helo was bad what would happen if it were a person? I am going to make a post.
SSG Eric Eck
SSG Eric Eck
>1 y
When I was in the 101st., we were doing a train-up for the dreaded Y2K, live fire ranges during the day and blank training at night with all ammo at same supply point. Some how a SAW gunner loaded live instead of blanks. His unit was coming up the hill from where the gas chamber was across from the newer air assault tower, he was firing full auto. My unit was on a dirt road just in the tree line near, I believe the MP barracks. It was just getting dark and you could see tracer rounds crossing the road just feet from where people were standing. Luckily no one was hurt, but yeah, it does happen.
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LTC Owner
It shows that the Pvt was paying attention during the how to engage an aircraft with your personel weapon class.
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