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Responses: 3
SGT Writer
Good read. I'll be sharing this around soon.
SGT Writer
SGT (Join to see)
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SSG Derek Scheller -
More on User error being the biggest exploit
Myths regarding cyber security
Security BBPs that don't work anymore.
SSG Derek Scheller
SSG Derek Scheller
>1 y
SGT (Join to see) - Thank you for these and I will be sure to fit them in. I think next week will be Phishing and User error as they tend to go hand in hand.
SGT Writer
SGT (Join to see)
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SSG Derek Scheller - Sounds good to me. I look forward to reading it.
SSG Derek Scheller
SSG Derek Scheller
>1 y
SGT (Join to see) I will be sure to tag you and anybody else that has responded to this post. I am hoping I can inspire and educate fellow professionals
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MAJ Chief Security Officer (Cso)
SSG Scheller, Good post on LinkedIn. Keep up the good work!
SSG Derek Scheller
SSG Derek Scheller
>1 y
Sir, thank you and I look forward to writing something weekly. If you have any ideas I would welcome the input.
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CW5 Regimental Chief Warrant Officer
The term talent management is being used every day and is part of the (failed) plan to revamp how we manage our officers. That is the crux of Cyber training and implementation. As we train our workers to perform cyber defense and/or offense, we need to keep them current in their jobs. That means to employ them in those jobs every day and not send them off to 'broadening' assignments as their talents will stale almost immediately unless some form of continuing education is in place.
That is the reason why security certifications require an element of CE credits. They are supposed to ensure that the credentialed person remains relevant in the field.
SSG Derek Scheller
SSG Derek Scheller
>1 y
Chief, I can understand where you are coming from and the intent. However, take myself for example, the majority of the training and or knowledge enhancement I do is on my own time and not provided by the Army minus the 25D course I just went to. Instead of sending us to units like cyber command or somewhere in the DMV area or any other higher echelon where we are allowed to put into practice the tools of our trade, we get sent to brigades and divisions. The problem with this being that in garrison and even down range on the FOBs, the NECs are mainly civilians with a limited military presence. I know for a fact that Ft Riley doesn't have slots for SM with the exception being short "internship" type programs. It is for these reasons that I make my case and say that we are wasted and unless you are like myself and do everything you can to work on your own time your skill set will perish. I do thank you for your insight though.
CW5 Regimental Chief Warrant Officer
CW5 (Join to see)
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Oh you get it alright. 25D's are being sent to do COMSEC. Great job there training up people to defend the Cyber domain and having them hand receipt keys.
I know Ft. Riley intimately as I was there for 8 years and one of the current NEC COMSEC guys was one of my old SFCs.
SSG Derek Scheller
SSG Derek Scheller
>1 y
CW5 (Join to see) - So now you see. Not to brag but honestly I busted my ass was the distinguished honor grad and only reenlisted because OCOS said they were manning cyber command and I would be at Ft Meade or Ft Gordon, and he knew I wanted to be offensive operations i.e. 17c. I was told go 25D you will be in cyber and just cross right over. The moment I got my orders I was told oh well now you have to wait three years and then try to move to cyber command or Reclass to 17C. By that time I'm just going to get out since the army won't use us properly.
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