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Responses: 3
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
What people don't understand about this is that the city of Cleveland MS is desegregated. Let me explain. The schools are based on where you live. If my daughter lives 2 miles from the school she is attending, then why would I force her to bus across town to go to another school 10 miles or more away? Yes there is a dividing line, the railroad tracks, but people can live anywhere they want to in Cleveland MS or Cleveland OH. I want people to know this isn't unique to MS. When I was a recruiting Sq CC, there were parts of Cleveland OH that have the same situation. You can put the line INPUT CITY HERE and you would find the same situation. Are we going to start busing people from East LA to Beverly Hills? Inner City New York to Long Island etc? Parents make that choice where they live for their kids sake and that would put them in the school system they want their child to attend. The Cleveland MS School District has about 3,700 students, with about 66 percent black, 30 percent white and 4 percent Asian or Hispanic. These numbers tell me that for every black child there is one white child. So they are telling me that all the black children go to one school? There is no way. Look at the facts without speculation and relook this. The federal govt. forcing kids to uproot to another school is not right when their parents chose to live in the district where they are going to school. Social engineering is not going to work when it is a parental choice to choose where they live.
COL Ted Mc
COL Ted Mc
9 y
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth - Colonel; The DM Smith Middle School is about 1,500 feet from the East Side High School they are approximately approximately 1.5 miles away from the Cleveland High School.

While I appreciate the additional work, time, and expense involved in having parents drive their children an average of 3/4 miles to school, the parents would probably be better served by telling the little darlings to walk.
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
9 y
COL Ted Mc - Up hill both ways in a driving snow I guess like we had to do...LOL. Seriously, What they probably need to do is to make a central high school where they all can attend together versus separate high schools. It would cost money up front but by pooling budgets into one they could save money in the long run and it would be the right thing to do. A lot of small towns have done that and it works out great. That is what they did where I live in Columbus MS. They took one of the high Schools and made it a middle school and then built a great big High School. Now, the leadership in that district...that is a whole other story...piss poor...but the facilities are nice. That would solve the dividing line of districts problem.
COL Ted Mc
COL Ted Mc
9 y
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth - Colonel; The same hush falls over the discussion when you say things like that as it does when someone mentions "common sense" at a staff meeting to discuss new regulations.
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SFC Wade W.
It will never be settled. Social engineering is something the feel gooders want to force on society. Never mind the fact that it has been proven that people want to be with people who are like them in race and social status. The feel gooders want to force people of different social statuses together, different races, different age groups, etc. Even though that makes everyone uncomfortable and unhappy.
COL Ted Mc
COL Ted Mc
9 y
SFC Wade W. - Sergeant; It has only been "proven" that people want to be with people who are like them in "race" in societies where "race" is *!*I*M*P*O*R*T*A*N*T*!*.

Where "race" is the primary identifier then "race" becomes **V*E*R*Y** **I*M*P*O*R*T*A*N*T**.

Where "race" is seen as irrelevant then "race" simply ceases to exist.
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
9 y
SFC Williams...I agree with you because I have seen it. I participated and led some diversity training and saw it first hand. On the start of the class the instructor brought biscuits, donuts, coffee etc for the class. Instead of doing the normal introductions, he said breakfast is available so everyone grab some and get to know each other for the first hour. I didn't know what he was doing till later that afternoon and he referenced the morning breakfast session and lunch. People of the same race tended to gravitate to the same areas or tables without being told to or for any other reason that is where they were pulled to. He stated at that time that people will gravitate to what they feel most comfortable with and that diversity wasn't about race, it was about backgrounds and different perspectives and that is what we needed to focus on. White people from Out west are different and diverse than White people from the Midwest, Northeast or the Deep South. Same with African American, Native American etc...."PLUG AN ETHNIC GROUP HERE". Diversity includes age, gender, orientation, ethnic background. People can't and shouldn't be social engineered. That is what makes us strong is our diversity by the very definition. When that happens we lose our diversity and we become group think and that is when things go bad. When we make it about race, that is when it becomes about race. Until then, it is just life and we need to make it work for our good.
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