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Responses: 4
CPT Jack Durish
"May you live in interesting times." Yes, it really is a curse, isn't it. These are interesting times and there are no easy answers. I will offer just one thought: The Muslim-American community has to take a stand. If people believe they are "supporters of ISIS" it may be because they have been silent in the face of events. I've heard speculation that American-Muslims are afraid to speak out lest they become targets of Muslim extremists, that they will be considered apostates of the religion of Islam. However, their silence is being interpreted by non-Muslims as support for the terrorists. No, it isn't fair. It's fear. Everyone is fearful and that's when the danger is the greatest. I can't answer this question for Muslims. I won't condemn all Muslims. I'm not among the fearful. I'm just reporting what I observe.
LTC Self Employed
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LTC Self Employed
LTC Self Employed
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
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LTC (Join to see) - Forgive me for limiting my response to just one of these most interesting posts (and I don't mean "interesting" as a curse). Why aren't we hearing more of this? It's easy to imagine why the Canadian story didn't make it into US news (we don't pay much attention to Canada here in the US). However, a couple of the stories you've provided links to originate in other parts of the world and need to be broadcast. I think they might help...
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LTC Thomas Tennant
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I see no problems with Muslims at Gun ranges. We have had WASP Timothy McVeigh types and others who take up arms to bring down the US gov. Most are just like us and feel upset at the killings worldwide done to actually harm Islam.
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PO2 Hospital Corpsman
We should welcome and encourage this from the already-demonized Muslim population here in the US. It shows Americans as being welcoming to those who are different, and is an effective counter to the IS recruiting strategy of "They won't accept you, come do our bidding". If they are accepted and embraced as a member of the communities where they live, then they won't ever consider turning against their country.
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