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Responses: 3
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
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PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
Kind of Ironic use of words "Power of the Purse". Power of the Insurance Companies Purse to buy our Legislators to get rid of Troublesome regulation that makes them provide a certain level of coverage. Power of the Legislators Purse to accept money from Insurance, Big Pharma and Big Medicine to Provide Less for More Money.
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PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
I understand that his Ruling has no teeth in it and this Suit still has some more to go, Suits go on for years and years and years. Hopefully this won't result in Americans losing Healthcare. 21 years in the Navy using "Socialized" Medicine and Living in England using "Socialized" Medicine along with Traveling in Germany, Austria and Canada that all have very Good "Socialized" medicine. I have no Problem with "Socialized" Medicine although the ACA is not Socialized Medicine it is the Next Best thing leaving still plenty of Opportunities for the Insurance Conglomerates to make a buck off it. As a Kansas Citian the ACA is very important to me for Local Business, Blue Cross and Blue Shield have done an excellent job of making themselves Integral in the new way of Business and the Government requirement for Computer Based Medical Records has been a Boom for Cerner Corp the 3rd or 2nd Largest Employer in the KC Metro. Once upon a time we were called Silicon Prairie for Sprint being HQd here but they have effectively gone bust but with the ACA Cerner has taken over the Crown of Local Business.
LTC Stephen F.
LTC Stephen F.
>1 y
My family is British and some members have had issues with delays and prioritization issues in the UK socialized medicine system PO1 William "Chip" Nagel.
I have heard similar stories from Canadians who used to come here and some in fact still do because our private-care system beats their socialized medical system.
My hope is for (1) decoupling insurance from employment and residential state and (2) reduction and elimination of unnecessary government processing forms.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
>1 y
LTC Stephen F. - You have some very valid points about the delays that are the rule rather than the exception unfortunately but I also noted that if you have Private Insurance and some do there you get head of the line Privileges. No System is Perfect.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
>1 y
Maj William W. "Bill" Price - Bravo, You may be on to something. The ACA was Originally a Republican Plan, There was some thought some time ago that our system would become Untenable and that an alternate had to be ready. Republicans were the first to discuss Forced Health Insurance since that would still have a Profit Margin for the Insurance Companies and the Democrats were favoring Single Payer, Taxes applied to Health Insurance for all like that which is used in most of Northern Europe. I have lived in Single Payer Countries and or traveled thru them and I don't have a problem with it since you can still buy Health Insurance and that kind of gets you head of the line privileges. I've always said the only "Real" Beef Republicans can have with the ACA is "You Stole our Plan" so now we will Pout.
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