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Responses: 6
MCPO Roger Collins
IMO, there is more to this than is being reported.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
>1 y
PO1 Brian Austin - When I was in Pearl I remember the Soviet "Fishing" Trawler that would break down every year and call to be towed into Honolulu Harbor right Next to Pearl right beside Hickam. What they were fishing for wasn't fish.
SN Greg Wright
SN Greg Wright
>1 y
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel - Or all the 'sight see-er's' outside the gates of Pensacola, who certainly never displayed any lack of camera equipment.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
>1 y
SN Greg Wright - I bought a Crap Load of Camera Equip in Hawaii and fences were no problem for me. I was Command Photographer at Project Timberline, NSGD Sugar Grove, WV.
SN Greg Wright
SN Greg Wright
>1 y
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel - Well one presumes you didn't employ that equipment like the rooskies did.
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PO3 Steven Sherrill
SN Greg Wright I still want to know how they "accidentally" made an incursion into Iranian Sovereign Waters. While I am glad that those responsible may see some accountability, it does not undo the damage done. The sad reality is that this is one of those situations where the truth of the matter was likely classified, will remain classified, and we will not ever know the full extent of what happened.
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LCDR Sales & Proposals Manager Gas Turbine Products
No surprises here...though it sounds like they fired the CO, not the LT (sure that's coming).

I'll give the guys the benefit of the doubt on whatever caused things to go pear shaped in the first place-Sounded to me like putting a square peg in a round hole, then giving Chief a pixie stick instead of a hammer to use. Odds are, the LT wasn't utilizing his resources either...so Horatio Hornblower he isn't...we get it.

I still stand by my original point of not faulting the skipper or crews for not going down in a blaze of foolhardy glory...the mistake was made long before they left the dock, and I'd bet there's someone with higher rank than O-5 involved in that.

What I hope does come out of all of this is a detailed report of everything that led up to the incident, so that future crews and officers have something to build a "lessons learned" from.
SN Greg Wright
SN Greg Wright
>1 y
LCDR (Join to see) Couldn't agree more, Commander. Fighting was definitely not the thing to do in this situation, no matter how bad the taste it left in our mouths.
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